Friday, August 24, 2012

I Survived

I survived day two of my SUU experience. ✔
This morning was rough.. but I actually feel like I'm adjusting. Slowly.

I bought my mailbox, made my first dinner, and found a list of potential jobs. Pinecone picker being the top on the list... but hey a job's a job.

The Page Has Turned

Its been a month.. I'm terrible I know. My most deep and sincere apologizes to those of you who actually read the ramblings of my mind. With a fresh start comes goals. I am hereby swearing to be better at my blog-keeping... well I'll try to anyway;)

I am beginning life anew. Seeing through a different perspective, that of a freshman college student living outside the valley that has been home to me my whole life. Though the same rules apply.. they don't. I am on my own.. and yet I'm not. It's school.. but it's more than just school. The page has turned and the next chapter is heading the page in bold letters.

This is happening.

I say that, and yet it hasn't hit home yet. 
The hardest thing I did today was say goodbye to my mom.. She was leaving and I was staying. But from the moment I walked away until now there hasn't been more than ten minutes when I haven't been surrounded by people I love. Chelsea, though she may not realize it, is keeping me from the meltdown I know is coming. The one where I question why I'm here. I know this is where I'm supposed to be, but in the moment its hard to comprehend the bigger picture. All you see is the small bubble labeled 'comfort zone' and how it is miles and miles away from you... But. As I said, it hasn't hit home yet. My friends here are keeping me grounded and with the familiarity that they carry, they are my sole link to my keeping it together. 

This post isn't meant to be a downer. In all honesty I have enjoyed almost every moment of today. I have met new people, listened to an exceptional speaker, tie dyed, walked around campus and watched a movie with the best friend I have here. I am going to love my time as a student, maybe not so much the tests and studying and the school aspect of it, but all the experiences in between.

Thank you to all who have supported me. I wouldn't be where I am now if it weren't for each of you.
Wish me luck!