Shleb's List

Wow. One year of college.. Complete
How is it summer already??? Craziness... I think I need a summer bucket list.

1. Watch a movie in a tree.
2. Learn to drive stick shift.
3. Get a henna tattoo. ✔
4. Make poutine. 
5. Make at least one new friend. ✔
6. Have an epic water fight. 
7. Scary movie nights anyone? ✔
8. Play in the rain.
9. Make a smash book. ✔ .. I got to play with fire :D
10. Stargaze from my roof. ✔ I tried sleeping there as well, but it got cold :P
11. Pull an all-nighter. ✔
12. Have a Slender night with friends.
13. Road trip with friends, perhaps? ✔
14. Buy a pet. A lizard, a frog, a dog.. something. ✔ Now the trick will be keeping him alive :P Ha. Haha. Yeah... Praying the second one lasts longer.
15. Have a bonfire. 
16. Go shooting. ✔
17. Go for a midnight swim.
18. Watch the local rodeos. ✔ PG Strawberry Days 6/21.

That's all for now, but I'll definitely add to it as I come up with ideas. Here's to Summer 2013!!

1 comment:

  1. You can check off scary movie nights!! And I wanna do a bonfire so bad! Please please please! *cough cough* And I also happen to drive a stick shift. Just saying.
