Friday, September 21, 2012

Leaders of Tomorrow

I've been in Cedar for a month. It's crazy, but now I consider this my home. My roommates are my family and school? Well its really not that bad :)
I'm taking 15 credits: American Economy, Intro to Computer Literacy (it's lame. It's exactly like computer tech in high school.. but that just means it's easy so I'm not complaining). Microeconomics (I thought this was going to be my most difficult class, but so far it's not too hard), umm.. my Univ 1040 class which is an intro to the EDGE program here at SUU (my professor is a PhD in Philosophy so that's definitely an interesting class). I'm taking a Book of Mormon Institute class and lastly but definitely not least Army ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps).

Didn't expect that last one?? Yeah. Me neither.

Here's the short version.
I originally registered for Calculus II... but after one day I decided it wasn't worth it. But dropping that class dropped my 16 credit hours down to 12, which meant I needed a replacement. There was ROTC, no obligations and lots of fun (paintballing, helicopter ride, rappelling (they lied. We never got to rappel), weapons training and way more cool activities) or some required general ed class. It took me a couple days but I registered for the ROTC class. Obviously. Otherwise I wouldn't be talking about it.

I have been issued tons of gear: ACU (the digi cam army uniform), LBV (a vest. Apparently it's Vietnam War era.. but still. Its way cool), rucksack, duffel bag, boots, hat, gloves, PT uniform and jacket.. Its a lot of stuff.
I have class Tuesday morning right after Institute and then on Thursdays a lab from 2:30 - 4:50. That's where we go out and practice different drills and formations and such. Yesterday we did ambushes and other drills. I have to say, at the beginning I wasn't too excited (then again the Major did tell us we had to fill our rucksack with rocks and hike to the C.. that would have been brutal.. luckily he was kidding. Some joke.) but by the end I was proud of myself and feeling accomplished. Friday mornings are PT (physical training). Bright and early.. 6-7, which means I have to get up at 5 otherwise I don't get up.

Oh so during Flight School a couple weeks ago Thor (the mascot) was 'kidnapped' by ROTC and sent to 'boot camp'. Our first home football game was this past Saturday and ROTC was unveiling the new Thor. I decided I would be a part of that. A group of us got together, marched on the football field during halftime, did our thing, then marched off. At the beginning I was super nervous. My dear roommates whom I love so much were mocking me (all in good fun, no worries) telling me I was going to trip. Well. Come game day and waiting around on the steps out of sight from the crowd my knees got all shaky and I was suddenly worried that I would trip... I didn't :) Walking out I was glad that I had volunteered for this. Glad that I could help represent. And glad that I did not trip.

Photo by Kathy Poore and her poor phone:)

I've found that this is a love-hate relationship. I love some of the stuff we do, but the exercise is super tough. And I'm not a morning person. But besides those 2 things I could actually maybe see myself getting involved. For real.. I don't know. I won't rule it out though.
Another thing I've discovered is I'm way more self confident. After lab or PT I'm exhausted but still alive. Ha that's seriously how I think. I come home and I'm alive. I didn't die and I didn't fall behind so I'm proud of myself and what I've accomplished that day.

My future is a mystery, but I can already tell that this experience will impact me for the positive and I'll be a better person for it.