Friday, February 15, 2013


Call me crazy, but when my English professor pulled out white paper and crayons... my heart dropped. My one thought was 'Crap. I shoulda skipped today :/' Haha and yes, I was thinking a slanty face :P Not really. But I was probably making a slanty face.
We were told to think back as far as we could remember and draw our earliest neighborhood. Accepting the fact that my drawing would be no masterpiece, I began drawing my old block. I was amazed at how many details I was able to recall once I got started. Names I haven't thought of in years came to mind, memories, smells.. I was surprised. The more I began to remember, the more I tried to draw. It was fascinating, I felt like I was a little kid again and everything in the world was so simple... I kind of loved it. Once we had our neighborhood maps drawn we were told to pick a single memory and just start writing about it. Nonstop, no editing, just writing. Holy.... I thought I had remembered all there was to remember, but DANG was I wrong. Once I started writing about a specific experience so many more details came back. It's true, some may have been slightly made up, blanks my mind was trying to fill in.. but the majority were solid.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that even if we forget things from our past, they're still there. Sometimes all it takes is a little digging. It's super impressive what you're able to recall by doing such a simple thing like drawing a picture. 

On a completely different note... Tricking a trickster is tricky business. Just in case you were wondering :P