Thursday, September 5, 2013

Life's Adventure

The past month has been one full of memories, bidding farewell, and saying hello.

After our Mexico trip Mom and I headed in the opposite direction: Canada.
We had a blast :) An eventful road-trip full of fur, stashing contraband, and hitting foxes was only the beginning. We surprised not only Taeta, but the Shipley cousins and the Kawas family. It was so good to see them all :D
And yes, Taeta has dead things in her house now :P
Kooper didn't like that at all.


Canada in a nutshell :D

This past month has seen 2 of my good friends off on missions. One to Minnesota, the other to the Mexico MTC to further prepare for El Salvador. I look up to these friends more than they will ever know. They're going to do amazing, I know it.

** I'm published!! I made my high school portion of this blog into a book. It's amazing! Thanks for your complete support an encouragement, Mom :D**

School started a week ago.
Haha, I can honestly say I never thought I'd enjoy school (especially living at school!!)... but I actually really love everything about it. I forgot just how much I loved Cedar until I came back. Call me crazy, but when I walked on campus that first day of job training I felt like I was home.

So far it's been pretty hectic. I'm pulling 16 credits this semester...
Intro to Criminal Justice
Psychology as a Science and Profession
Stress and Pain
Fear (Honors)
Criminal Investigations
Oh yeah, I declared myself as a double major in Criminal Justice and Psychology :D

Plus, I also have a job!!
I'm a reporter for the University Journal :)
I actually really enjoy getting to know people and staying busy all the time. And it doesn't hurt that my editors keep complimenting my writing style :) A few of my stories have already been front-page worthy!! I'm psyched! 
There are some days when I am completely stressed and overwhelmed with upcoming story deadlines... but then an editor will praise my writing and in that moment the pressure fades and I feel like I've conquered the world :D
*If you're interested you can check out our paper at*

School is stress, yes. But it's also one of the best times to learn who you are and who you want to become. It's a huge step in life and I am doing all I can to take advantage of every single moment. I hope that one day I can look back at this time and be proud of all that I was able to accomplish. I want to learn.. but I also want to have fun. Lots and lots of fun. 

Here's to another school year, one filled with friends, both old and new, and more memories than I know what to do with :D