Thursday, March 21, 2013

Each Moment

I was reading my scrips when I heard a car start. Yesterday my car decided to play dead, and I dunno, this just got me thinking. There is so much that we take for granted. How often do we stop and take a moment to be grateful for all that we are blessed with?
Cars. Computers. Phones. Credit/Debit cards. Cameras. Headphones. Jumper cables. Zip drives. Having a roof over your head. Mattress. Books. Music. The internet. Color. Fans. The clicker on your car keys so you don't actually have to use the key. Stamps. Letters. Post Officers. AC. An abundance of knowledge. Education. Friends. Family. Pets. Truth. Jobs. Life.
Trust me, this list could go on for awhile. A couple years ago I kept a gratitude journal. You know, I haven't thought about that in a long time, but really. When you seek out the good, everything just seems so much brighter. It's like when the sun is shining after a long and cold winter.. Nothing is better than feeling those hot rays at that moment. I feel like this is what gratitude is. It's looking at the bright side and being thankful for what you do have. Simply the act of slowing down to give appreciation.. this is what turns an ordinary day into one of miracles and absolute perfection.

 I have a list on my phone of things I've been wanting to write about, but just haven't gotten to yet. Well. I'm writing now, so here goes.

Short term vs. long term. About a month ago I heard this song by Avril Lavigne called What the Hell. Now, I'll admit, I enjoy this song more than I should.. but that's not the point. It is so easy for the long term goals to get pushed to the back of your mind, to think 'What the hell,' and take the short term fun over what's important in the long run. It happens. Haha, and you know what? Sometimes the fun is definitely worth it.. However.. tell yourself 'What the hell,' enough and guess what? The reasons behind your end goal begin to fade. Once that happens it's hard to see why you need to change, why 'what the hell' won't cut it. Know where you want to go in life and make the decisions to get there. It's not always easy, but nobody said it would be. Continue making those active choices and you'll end up where you want to be. Don't lose sight of what's important. Keep your long term in mind.

Everything matters. Every single thought and feeling and word.. actions, standards.. all of it. Every bit of what makes you *you* are in the pieces that often get tossed aside. Nobody likes to feel vulnerable, and it seems like sometimes in order to avoid that we brush off whatever was on our mind with 'It doesn't matter.' The truth is that we are important. Each and every one of us. And because we matter, what we think and feel and do matters as well. It's easy to get caught up in the rush of the world.. to forget who you are and think 'what the hell.' But no.. the choices you make now truly do matter. You can make a difference that only you can make. There's nobody else exactly like you. 
Be grateful all your days and live in such a way that each moment is pushing you toward the person you want to be in the long term. Enjoy each moment.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

To Go or Not To Go?

You know those times when life is good? Everything is working out and the stress isn't overwhelming.. It's wonderful, right?? But then life jumps in and says, "Wait, you're happy? Let's spice it up a bit." Haha yeah...... life is grand sometimes :P
Seriously though. Sure, the twist may be far from ideal.. however.. that shouldn't detract from the value of the experience. There is so much to learn about life, others, and yourself in these types of moments and I honestly can say that I wouldn't give up that 25 hours for anything.
It's true, I was rash.. but I learned what's important to me: my family. Nothing matters more than them. I know I'm not the best at showing it, but when it comes down to it, family will always come out the top priority. I guess sometimes I just need a bit of a reminder :P
Also.. communication is important. Don't forget that. Everything can be fixed with communication. Running away from your problems won't solve anything.. Granted, neither does a lack of judgement.. :P But hey. It worked out in the end as it always will.

About a week and a half ago a good friend asked me something along the lines of.. "How would you treat somebody if you saw them at their weakest, most vulnerable?" And you know.. I can't think of anything better than having my friends be there for me when I needed them. Seriously. I was far from enjoyable company and yet, they helped me out in any way they could. Feeding and packing me lunch, insisting on dinner and losing a night of sleep... It all meant so much to me. Thank you.

Words are powerful, but it's the proof behind the words.. the actions.. that make all the difference. Whether that be responding to an impossible call or packing a bag in advance... I've come to learn that the only way for people to *know* that you care is to show them. Simple as that.