Thursday, March 29, 2012

A New Appreciation

It's easy to take the things we have for granted. Each day we enjoy the comforts of some item is another day that the significance of such luxuries are lost, bit by bit.. That was phrased bad. What I mean is, if you go camping for a week, when you get home all you want is a hot shower and to sleep in your bed. After a couple days the appreciation is gone.

I've recently had a wake up call.. I guess that happens when you get an adopted brother..
My family and my home, they have always been a place of safety for me. Always. I know my parents love me and my life is good. I've got a good life.
Some people don't have that.
That feeling of safety and love given by parents and family, I never realized how... how much of a blessing that is.. I mean, yeah I've acknowledged that I have a good life, but wow. I couldn't even imagine what not having those things [love and safety] feels like.. til we adopted this brother.
All I can say is wow. I love having him here, I love that we are able to help him. I love that he is happy.
Sure, the situation may not be ideal, but we are making a difference in someone's life.
"In the end they'll judge me anyway."
People will make judgements, they're entitled to their opinions, but you know what?
We are doing the right thing, I know we are. 

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