Thursday, June 14, 2012

Traditions and Friends.. They're Solid

Travel. Family. Craziness.
The past 2 weeks have been full of all that. It's been fun.

Seattle for a week.. Oh gosh, the flight. Now there's a story.

Bailey flew from Elko to Salt Lake then from SLC to Seattle a day later than me and mom. She still had school. Poor thing ;) Her first flight was interesting to say the least.. See, her plane starts down the runway when suddenly the Captain is on the over-com 
"We can smell something burning, but don't be alarmed. A fire truck is following us and we're going to see what's going on. Please stay calm and thank you for your patience."
A FIRE truck was following her plane.. It could have exploded.. Scary!!!

Najwa's cooking was amazing.. I think all I did was eat. Night however, oh my gosh, night was so cold! But really I had a great time, loved spending time with my cousins and family.

Flight back was weird. So we start down the runway.. but then go back to the gate. Something was wrong with the engine. Half hour later we take off.. and land in Boise. Apparently the wind was so bad in Salt Lake a semi blew over. So, after half hour in the Boise airport (I didn't know Boise had an airport!!) we took off again and finally landed in SL. 
Side note: Me and Bailey sat next to this guy from Canada, and with all those delays we had plenty of time to talk. Kinda funny, he's a farmer turned engineer like my Uncle Ryan and he was on his way to Reno.. I mention this because I was headed out to Dads for the week and on my way back yesterday I passed him. No joke. So I'm cruising down the salt flats and I pass this car. I look over then back at the road.. but then I do a double take.. and notice the guy in the car does too. We made eye contact for a few split seconds, then the distance between us gets to be too much and I fly by. But I swear. It was the guy from 9D. Also, something he said while we were flying, it has stuck with me. "Shit happens." Excuse the language, but it is a quote.. and it's true. Stuff happens and there's nothing you can do but trust that everything will be okay in the end.

A week with Dad and the kids.. fantastic. Family camping trip was great.
7 fish between me, Bailey and Brock. A record.
Swimming in the beaver pond. Ice cold water. 
All in all, a great summer so far :)

Oh and shooting across the lake both today and a week ago.. It has been great. I love the time we spend together and I love that despite the fact that we aren't a couple anymore, I love that we are still us. Nothing has changed and I feel like our friendship is a lasting one.

10 weeks til school starts.. I'm excited and nervous and scared and.. I can't wait. It's going to be great :)

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