Tuesday, May 29, 2012

As One Door Closes...

I'm graduated!!

It's so weird, on one hand nothing really changed.. but on the other, my whole world has just shifted a little. All I've ever known is school, and not to say college isn't school, but I see higher education as a more voluntary, free (in the sense of 'I'm an adult and can do what I want' kind of way) experience quite unlike the past 13 years of my life.
Now I'm considered a real adult.
I'm graduated.
Out of
Never have to go back
High school.

Its a good feeling. Amazing actually. And yet so nerve wracking at the same time..

The ceremony was long and a tad stressful, seeing as I had absolutely no idea what was going on. Mom, Dad, Amber, Bailey, Nikki, Annika, Karin, Marc, Julie.. thank you all for coming and sitting through all that. Although I must say, I quite enjoyed texting during the musical numbers..

The barbeque was awesome :)
Quote of the day goes to... somebody who would murder me in my sleep if I said his name ;) "You should see me in my Wranglers, then you can really see my legs."

All in all, a fantastic day.
Thank you everybody for making it special :)

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