Wednesday, October 10, 2012


As of late I've had a lot on my mind, friends being one of the more pressing matters. College and living on your own for the very first time is.. interesting. There's parts you love. And there's things that you hate. People you connect with and people who irritate the crap out of you. As I said before, interesting.

I've come to realize that college has a way of showing who the true friends are. Sure, it's about making new friends, but I think it's also about discovering the true sides of people. Yourself included. Confused? Let me explain it with a story.

Once upon a time I had a couple high school classes with this one girl. We were those friends who would mock each other whenever we saw one another, but didn't really hang out outside of school. She definitely made Stats and English more bearable. Well. This truly amazing thing happened called Graduation. Then came summer. Me and this one girl, we hung out every once in awhile. A midnight showing to Hunger Games here, local carnival there.. nothin too fancy or formal. Just bored teenagers in a small town. Ooh, and I can't forget the ever more common visits to each other's work. Harassment at its greatest I'll admit :) Good memories :) And, when I was in a very generous mood, a run to Panda for said friend.
But in walked the biggest change of my life. Moving to college. Living on my own with Chelsea and 4 strangers.. Now, you have to understand that no matter how I describe this, nothing is going to give it justice.. No matter who you are, when you do something new for the first time you're going to have issues. Well, somewhere along this life transition me and this girl started texting every day. Oh, and see, she goes to BYU. Lame I know. I'm disappointed too... Anyhow, we began talking and sharing our troubles with one another. I tell her what's on my mind and she gives me her advice (Most commonly it's pray about it.. which.. not gonna lie has helped me out a ton. This girl is wisdom I'm tellin ya) and when she has a problem or a complaint or whatever, well thats when I turn into the listening ear. And as sarcastic as I am, believe it or not I do have some tidbits of magical wisdom to share. 
I honestly don't know what I would do without this amazing example in my life. She has helped me through some sticky situations.. like.. murder was in the making. Having that person who I can trust without fail.. it's amazing. It really is. Whether I need to vent, complain, seek guidance or even share good news. She's always there for me, and me for her, and I love her. Ha, whoever said long distance relationships don't work obviously needs to try going to college ;) 

Now, to tie this back to my main point. Back in High School, and I'm just being honest here, but this wasn't a relationship that I predicted. I mean sure we were friends, but now? Ha she knows my head like nobody else... yeah yeah, poor girl I know.. but really. I'm forever grateful :) 

1 comment:

  1. Aww so sweet :D I love this mysterious child you write about!! I'm sad you're stealing her when I go home :/
