Sunday, January 13, 2013


Once upon a time I intended to write this deep and thought-provoking post.. but it was late, so instead I jotted down some notes and told myself I'd expand on them later. Yeah.. its been a week and my thoughts have become rather jumbled since then, but I'll give it a shot.

Well. For one thing I've noticed that time has become a recurring theme in my posts as of late. But hey, reminders are good, right?
It became very clear to me last week that time is short and no matter how well you think you have a handle on life.. you don't know when time will run out. Life is a precious thing and I feel like it gets taken for granted. A lot. Don't waste the time you've been given. Don't just tell someone what they mean to you, show it. Say the words, but prove them with your actions. Why? Well, what if something happened and you never got the chance again? Seriously.. 

Priorities people. Keep ‘em straight. We take for granted all that we have.. life in and of itself is the gift of all gifts. Use yours wisely. Whether you throw pudding at a hobo or help a mugged guy.. serve your fellow man. Always. You have no idea what is going on in their life and you never know what a kind word or a bit of your time can do. The difference you can make... It's impossible for you to know the reality of the impact you have on another. It's not measured and you can't see it, but its there and most often the slightest of deeds can make the biggest difference to someone. I promise you that.

{Side note: This new Phillip Phillips cd.. The World From the Side of the Moon. Amazing. Best rejected Christmas present I've ever given.}

I have this friend, and for the sake of anonymity I'm going to call her Pam Breedwell. Just cuz I can :D Haha but anyway, I recently found out that she hates, absolutely hates, puzzles. It was because of this conversation I had with deary Pam that I made this little realization:
Life is a puzzle. Be patient and enjoy the journey. It doesn’t last so savor each piece, each moment and watch as your big picture unfolds. How the pieces begin to fit together and create something larger than themselves.. how the individual experiences join together to create you and the life you lead. It turns into a colorful canvas. 

And lastly...
Quotes. Nowadays there is so much bad in the world.. and yet despite that, there are still so many gems and wisdom words hidden throughout the bits of everyday life. The brilliant one liners in movies.. Lyrics in a song. Once you start paying attention you’ll find that there is so much to be found. Words you can relate to. Words that inspire. Words that you don't ever want to forget...

Time is short. Everything matters. Keep the eternal things in perspective and you'll find that the world seems a whole lot less bleak than it sometimes feels. 

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