Saturday, December 8, 2012

Bits and Pieces

After 14 weeks I find myself amazed at what life has brought. I've always been scared of change. Little or big.. it's intimidating. The unknown is.. well, it's unknown. But you know what? I've come to realize that this big scary move to college.. it's not scary at all. 

Classes are over. It's finals week. And what am I thinking?? I can't stop thinking about how great college is. 
The friends I've made, the late night chats with Chels, the all-nighters, watching tv on my laptop in the dark with headphones in while Chels does the same 3 feet away, chillin in the living room socializing (Shleb, socialize? Crazy huh??), skyping a certain byu-goer, cooking my own meals (eating nothing but junk food), editing a friend's paper on a Friday night, the awful quotes that make it into 304's Quote Book, the random sticky notes from my roommates..

The more I think about it, the more I appreciate every moment that I've had here in Cedar. It's weird that my first semester is almost over.. so much has happened, and yet there is still so much in store.

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