Friday, June 24, 2011

Picture Day!!

Who knew a road trip could be so fun
not to mention dangerous and scary???
Let me explain...

Me and my sister were driving to Elko a few weeks ago.
That's a 4 hour drive, and we were pretty bored.
I told Bailey we should document our trip...
See, I have a camera :D
We definitely recorded our trip, but not exactly as we expected..
We decided to get pics of all the semi drivers we passed.
Not the smartest idea, but it sure was entertaining :)

Yep, same guy. Only, now he's glaring 

                                      Can someone explain this to me??

   Creeper!!                  Missed the truck, but got an equally good pic

              Isn't this dangerous??      Maybe you had to be there..
              An aged semi driver?      But this dude made me laugh SO hard!!!
Why are both of these guys so old?! 

So we pass this guy, right? He's on the phone, but his glare is super creepy!! 
Then to make it worse, 
after we pass him and get in front
He moves over like he's going to pass us!!!!
The 2 pics on the right, that's him trying to get in front.
Can I just say, we were both completely freaked!!
we didn't stop :D

So then, we pass through Independence Valley...
Yeah, there's a prison :)
The sign says 
And the prison is behind it.. It's small but still
It's my favorite part of the drive :D

                           Here we have some lip action and a hiding man, look hard and you can see him

Orange truck driver was the best pic we got... the other 2, not so much.

I can almost see a hint of a smile 

 First lady driver we saw in awhile... How come the guy isn't driving.. Talk about no manners
Beard and glasses...

Beard, glasses and old..

 Why do all these dudes look the same??

 We had quite the fan club :D
Oh, and there was a yellow truck behind the last red one..

Beard, glasses and Black

Creeper if I ever saw one

A gold car's butt...
I hate construction.

 Oh, isn't working in the sun so exhausting??

 The guy in the passenger seat... Scary!!!
More lady drivers, one in a pickup the other a semi.
I'd hate to be a truck driver

Casino stop anybody??

 Umm... Nevermind.
Confession time... we maybe stopped at the Red Lion (behind this guy)
This dude was disgusting. I hope I never see another motorcycle rider without a jacket in my life!!!

So this was our trip.
Dangerous, yes.
Fun, yes.
Would I do it again? No, definitely not.
I'd rather not be chased down by a semi.
I must say though, 
I was honestly surprised that nobody smiled...
or flipped us off :D

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