Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I've been meaning to share all these wonderful tidbits of inspiration and laughs for the longest time.. but I've been short on time.. Anyhow, here they are, enjoy :)

"Inside you is the power to do anything."
"Nothing happens unless first a dream."

Mom, before being prepped for surgery. "What is wrong with those hyenas over there?!!" Ha, probably another one of those you had to be there moments :)

"No one has ever become poor by giving." Have you ever read 'The Giving Tree'? What about 'The Taking Tree'? The second is a parody on the first and ha, it's good :) But seriously, so true. When you give you gain, it's that simple.

"Just so you know, you sound like a fortune cookie." Ha, I love my friends.. or whoever said this.. I may have forgotten ;)

"Don't promise when you're happy. Do not reply when you're angry and do not decide when you're sad." Truer words of wisdom have not been spoken.. Well maybe.. but this sounds pretty good to me.

Dear Math, go solve your own problems!

And my personal favorite:
"You can do hard things.. just like you can wait til marriage, you can wait til graduation"
Thank you Rachel :)

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