Sunday, April 14, 2013


I was recently reading through a bunch of old posts and I realized I've been missing out. When I write it allows me to go through the highs of my day and pick out the points I want to remember. It gives me a chance to think about what's been going on and add a little depth to my life. Haha, plus, I really do enjoy reading past posts.
So. In an attempt to regain this love I'm going to share the highs of my last few days. Why? Because highlights are what keep the world a happy place. Just roll with it :D

It all started a couple days ago when Chels wanted help with her art project. It involved paper and a candle.. Interest peaked I followed her outside and behind the dumpster. Sketchy, right? Oh, it was awesome :D

Believe it or not, strategic fire play takes a little time to get the hang of.

But it wasn't long before we... ok, I... was having too much fun. Chels was too worried about her project turning to ash. Ha, it's too bad I can't say the worry was unfounded...

Ya know... it's really hard to get a deep enough breath to blow out a flame when you're laughing uncontrollably..

Really though. This was grand fun. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed art so much ;) The smoke smell lingering on our clothes... How do you top an evening like that?? Exactly. You can't.

And yet... it's possible.

Missionary letters do wonders :) 
I really hadn't thought my night could get any better, but then it did! Ally just left on her mission for Boston and, even though we were never close friends, I've always admired her. So I wrote her a letter. Honestly, I didn't expect a letter back.. but holy dang. Sweetest letter I've ever gotten. 

That was Thursday. 
Friday held it's own fun with a Voice Male concert. Ha, I didn't think old guys singing a-cappella could be so entertaining :)

And nothing says 'Today's going to be awesome' like a surprise visit from a best friend. One friend to start the day off and then another to end it... My past 3 days have been abounding in highlights and what says grateful like writing it down?
When you give meaning to all the awesome little good things that happen, it does so much to create a positive and happier attitude. Look for the bright side. You'll find it. 
Even on moonless nights the stars always shine.

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