Sunday, May 22, 2011

Country living

So I pretty much just love the country.
I'm talking middle of nowhere with
sage brush, cows and coyotes for company.
Oh, and because there are no lights, you can see the stars perfectly.
No joke.

So this one time
there was a huge storm by the Ruby Mountains.
It was a crystal clear night where we were though.
So Bailey, Brock and I sat on the trampoline for a few hours that night
just watching the lightning.
We could see each of the bolts of lightning distinctly, 
Thunder crashing, then the bright flash of lightning.
To this day, it is one of the coolest things I have ever seen.

Another part of country life that I totally love is the animals.
We've had 2 pet ducks, 1 rabbit, 6 snakes :), and about 19 birds.
We rescued the ducklings and the baby bunny from our dog,
saved the baby birds from drowning in the crick
(the nests were built under a bridge... yeah, I don't understand that),
the snakes were just because,
oh and we caught a killer duck once, that was interesting...

a major part of country living.
Riding horses is one of the funnest things. 
Actually, the reason for this post topic was because Tori took me to see her horse today.
I don't know the last time I rode, but I did today and I had a blast.
Mostly we just walked and ran in circles, but just being with the horses...
Me and Shiloh, the horse Tori let me ride
It reminded me of being at my dad's.
I guess it made me realize how much living in the country is a part of my life.
Experiences I've had, skills I've learned
That's who I am.

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