Sunday, May 29, 2011


I'm at my Dad's with my best friend Annika.
We've been here since Friday night
and so far, it's been a party.

Friday night it was a clear night so we sat on the tramp
and looked at the stars.
Then Gifford, the lamb, bahahaed and scared Annika out of her wits.
She thought it was a man.
She freaked
 It was absolutely HILARIOUS!!!!!!!

On Saturday, after the grand tour, I drove Annika and Brock up to where dad was branding.
They hadn't started yet so we climbed some rocks and talked for a bit.
Then we followed a dry riverbed
and tried to climb the straight up and down 12 foot sides...
yeah, we failed miserably.
Annika helped Brock up,which left us at the bottom racing to get to the top first.
Annika got caught on some sage brush roots and fell a couple of feet off the sandy wall and into a small puddle of water.
We all walked back covered from head to toe in dirt, twigs, mud, and even a little blood.
It was great fun.

Today in Sunday school
our teacher randomly burst into song...
The first thing to come to mind was 'Oh crap!' cuz I knew I was gonna laugh.
She was singing about pride, the lyrics were good, her voice was... okay, and she seriously thought she was good,
but the entire situation... I was completely caught off guard.
I was trying extremely hard not to laugh.
Our teacher just kept on singing, for at least 3 minutes.
Bailey had a straight emotionless face on, the 7 other kids in our class were dead serious,
Annika was holding back a laugh.
Once, I peeked at Annika, but had to look away because I felt myself losing what little control I had.
All of a sudden Annika glanced at me then lost it
she burst into laughter... loud.
The teacher stopped singing, Annika left the room still laughing, and I lost it..
Everybody else was silent.
The teacher was surprisingly ok with Annika's outburst, she began to tell us her embarrassing stories.
I don't know how, but about 5 min. later Annika came back.
I wouldn't have come back.
I would have been mortified.
As it was, I felt so bad. Mostly for Annika though.
It was definitely a moment I will never forget, never let her live down either :)

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