Thursday, October 13, 2011

In Walk the Spawn of Satan...

Once upon a time I was in 6th grade.. at Lincoln Academy.
It was the opening year, and 6th grade was considered Jr. High, so, like all other Jr Highs, I had multiple teachers.

One of these teachers was Mrs. Hazlett.
She didn't like me very much, which is weird because everybody, especially teachers, just adore me :)
I remember one time, about halfway through the year, a bunch of friends were carrying around a petition against her grading policy... and her in general. Oh, I was only too eager to sign that innocent piece of paper. Of course, luck was on our side. The next day that incriminating, not so innocent piece of paper was on her desk.
Talk about scary!! 
Not only did we strongly dislike this teacher, but now she knew exactly who we were. Yeeaaahhhh, not quite the start to Lincoln I was hoping for.

I'll just add that she wasn't asked to teach there again...

It's been 6 years. I'm now in 12th grade.
But who shows up as my sub today?? That's right. Dear old Mrs. Hazlett.
At first I wasn't sure, I mean, she said her name was Mrs. Hazlett, but come on, after that year I blocked out anything Hazlett related.
Of course, I was sitting by Tori and we were messing with each other, as usual. Tori said something completely insulting to me [haha, not really, she couldn't insult me if she tried :) ] so, naturally, I punched her. We're both laughing, right? I glance across the room and of course...
There's Mrs. Hazlett, staring daggers at me.
"Turn around, work on your assignment and start acting more lady like." [haha, as if that'll ever happen :D] 
She said a bit more, but I was too shocked to hear it all. I knew I was in trouble and it took me a minute to realize she wanted me to acknowledge whatever it was she was saying to me.
Honestly though, I was shocked. First off, because I had been caught. Second, because it was her. And lastly, because she got mad at me in front of the class. I'm pretty good at being invisible, so to be called out by the devil's right hand was just a little embarrassing. Luckily for me, my friends were totally supportive. They couldn't believe she'd told me to act like a lady :D

It's been 6 years. I have always been on the teacher's good side. Always. I may have been told off a time or two, but that would've been for reading during class. I'm not disruptive, not normally anyway. In walk Mrs. Lucifer and boom. I'm in trouble.

What is it about her?? She hates me. I don't get it, I seriously don't.
I mean, what did I ever do to her? I signed that petition, yes, but I'm pretty sure just about everybody in the 6th grade did. And it's not like she remembered me. Haha, had she remembered me she probably would've sent me to the principal's office :)

A lot of you are most likely thinking I'm being way harsh and judgmental and mean and everything we're taught not to be. In my defense, let me just say if you knew Mrs. Hazlett, you'd agree wholeheartedly. Guaranteed.

My good friend Moe loves everybody, and everybody loves her. We went to Lincoln together, here's what she said when I told her Mrs. H was my sub.

"WHAT THE???? i totally remember her.... i'd probably leave class, honestly that poor woman.... hahahah"

Needless to say, I'm not the only one who feels this way :D

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