Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Perfect with a Side of Fries

Totally Non-related Side Note: A question on my math said 'blah blah blah blah will do less well blah blah blah.' The blahs aren't important, but can you do 'less well' or is that just called worse? Haha, made me laugh while I was doing my homework... buuut that could've been the coke talking :D


You remember that one time I kinda bashed on Sammy's?? 
Yeah, I take it all back. Every word.

Come lunch time I was craving popcorn.. I don't know why, I just was... I was prepared to stop at Water Gardens and buy a $1, extra buttery popcorn. 
But no.
  Annika wanted a real lunch, whatever that is, and voted Sammy's. And because I'm a pushover for my best friend, I agreed. 
Kylee came and all together we ordered 2 sandwiches and 2 shakes. A little pricey, yes, but totally worth it.

 Their food is top notch, like, right up with Purple Turtle. Not to mention we had our food in less than ten minutes... although I guess that coulda been because we beat the crowd.. either way though, it was good, it was fast, and I'm sorry. Clearly I'm not cut out as a restaurant critic.

But I do know what I am cut out for... you ready for this??
I've been selected as a premiere applicant for SUU...
I think it means they want me :D

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