Tuesday, January 31, 2012

:) :) :)

2 weeks off caffeine.. done. Kylee eating the shrimp.. done +1
She ate (and I'm talking chewed not swallowed) the shrimp plus one of the fish. And since we didn't want the last fish to be sad and alone.. Charley ate him. Eeww, it crunched!! :( So gross! 

But. I've been on a high these past few days.. weeks.. month.. and being on a happy high is one of the best feelings ever. I am genuinely happy and I don't think anything could make me happier. 
My mind is always going, running the same things over and over again.. the almost firsts, the view, my dead car, my frozen toes and, ha the look on your face. Oh my heck, priceless is the only way I can describe it :) 

"Life is going to take me on an adventure and good or bad it will be something worth living for"

100 Reasons

Beth.. You are the best :)
Ha, I don't even remember why she did this, but she decided to write me 100 reasons why she loves me. Can I just say, it absolutely made my day?!! And I mean seriously, a hundred is a lot.. I have a hard time writing birthday/Christmas cards.
Anyway, here are some of my favorite ones, both the funny and the meaningful :)

1. You're sarcasm? Is my hero.
3. I can tell you anything. You will respect it, and respond with something I will never forget.
5. When I need a laugh I can get one from you!
12. I know if there was a bridge you would push me off, laugh, then jump in and save me.
15. If I had to pick a mini person to sit on your shoulder all day I would pick you.
16. You can make me cry. Of laughter.
18. I can tell you anything and you won't be shocked.
22. Your sense of humor is top notch.
31. Because of you, no matter what may come tomorrow, today my life is more complete.
35. Your voice is like fudge. Still good after it's been eaten.
42. Your birthday is on a fantastic day. It wasn't fantastic till you were birthed.
44. You can laugh at yourself when we laugh at you.
49. We insult each other. That's what makes a good friendship.
61. I have a 6 pack from all the laughing I do when I am with you.
77. I love how you are my soul mate. 
78. You make me worry.
83. You are never boring.
88. I have never met anyone like you.
100. I love that no one loves you!

Beth- I love you! 
I don't know how you came up with all this, but it is amazing. Absolutely great and I love it. I will keep it for longer than forever :D

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Ha, wow. So For English I'm doing this research paper on Criminal Profiling.. You know, like Criminal Minds kinda stuff.. Anyway, not only does this paper have to be 8-12 pages, but we have to get an interview.. Yeah, like who can I talk to that works in FBI profiling?? 
Nicole so graciously suggested I call the FBI.. but I don't know..

Wanna know something super intense and kinda weird?
I was at work today til 9 and I mean seriously, it's a library, its boring. Right? Haha, not today it wasn't :)

Fugitive Special Task Force came in and arrested a guy. 
No joke. It was so fast and so quiet, had I not been right there I would've missed the whole thing. This guy was talking on the phone when 6 cops in black jackets walk in, cuff him and take him outside. One of the cops come back and apologizes for ruining our peaceful evening then went on to explain that this guy had several warrants out for his arrest and they (the cops) were a Fugitive Special Task Force and they'd been looking for this guy for awhile.
Oh, but I was so mad, I didn't think to ask the nice fugitive catcher about Criminal Profiling until he was out the door! Yeah, I'm mad.. but I'm thinking about going to the Police Station sometime soon to see if they can give me any info.

Oh, and I'll end this fascinating post with mention of skipping the assembly and going for ice cream. That was the best part of my day. Hands up :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

No One Loves You.

I walk out of Stats for 5 minutes and when I get back I'm completely ignored by my friends.. plus one.. Then when I turn on my calculator it says:
I look at the back of my homework and it says:

Wow. I think I suck at life.. just kidding :D
You see, if in actuality nobody loved me, I'm pretty sure no one would take the time to write on my homework and defile my calculator in such a manner. Ha, seriously though, when I saw what it said on my calc I cried. Yes. I cried. I was laughing so hard I couldn't help it. I don't know what this says about me, but 4 demeaning, depressing words made my day :)

... It's a good thing I don't get easily offended...

Luke 1:37
"For with God nothing shall be impossible."

Monday, January 23, 2012

(While tapping on my forehead) "Say the first 10 breakfast cereals that you can think of."
Me: "Umm, uh, it's hard to think, haha, I don't know.... pancakes!"

Ha, here's to pancakes and, well.. everything else :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Power Of A Sticky Note

Everybody's got their good days... and their bad. Heck, yesterday was a bad one for me. Today, however has been quite good :)

~Skipping first period to work on my AP Essay question intro.. yeah, kill me now.. but talking to Mrs. Stanton was way good :)
~ Pollsters... survey people, but haha, thinking along the lines of our little 'stake-out'.. wow.. not good :)
~Lunch.. Being mocked for calling my grilled cheese a sandwich.. What the heck, right?
~Watching the big shrimp (the one Kylee has to eat in 10 days) chow down on another dead shrimp.. Haha, she's gonna get sick, but hey, she's the one that volunteered to do this ;) Might I mention that that shrimp has already eaten half the bowl... Out of 3 fish and 3 shrimp it's eaten the 2 smaller shrimps and Charley (the fish that died).

Remember the power of one

One person can make a difference. Really. I have no idea who has been leaving these post it notes in the girl's bathroom mirror, but 90% sure it's the same person. Can I just say, seeing one of these just kinda makes me happy. It's a random piece of inspiration that'll make any girl smile for the rest of the day. Hands down, guaranteed. I love this idea and I don't think this person knows just how much of an impact she's having on others. 
And I mean, lets be real, it takes 5 seconds to write something great on a sticky note and stick it up on a mirror. I'd say about 30 girls may see this... Ha, I don't know, I just made up a number, but it is girls so the number may be higher ;)... Anyway. If one girl takes a picture then either posts it to facebook or sends it to friends via text.. that's a lot of people. And hey, I'll be honest, I didn't take either of these pictures. The first was sent to me and the second I stole from facebook. But still. Sharing is caring right :)
Just saying :) One person really does make a difference.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1 Down, 13 To Go

Me and Kylee, we made this bet. Well.. it was her idea.
I go 2 weeks without this:
and all other caffeinated drinks.

Now. As terrible as this is, it's really not that bad considering what Kylee must do WHEN (not if) I win. Drumroll please.... Kylee volunteered to eat.. wait for it, wait for it...
That's right. 
She's going to eat this devil of a fish-eater shrimp.. Oh, have I mentioned it's growing?
Haha, these 2 weeks are gonna be totally worth it :D 

Ha, wish me luck :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Surprise Surprise

Long weekend, I love you :)
Little Honda, you're great and I'm glad I can rely on you :)

This weekend we (Me, Bailey, Annika, Kylee) decided to surprise the family with a visit.. Since I can't write about everything here's my list of unforgettables:

✔ Trying to make the drive on one tank of gas... and kinda sorta failing...
✔ Strangling Brock in the mudroom to keep him from yelling out and ruining our surprise visit.
✔ The look on Dad's face when he walked into the room and saw us.
✔Spending time with Cola :)
✔ Shooting a penny and quarter from 75 yards.
✔ The feeling of utter shame at losing the vast majority of all the wrestling matches between me, Brock, Annika and Kylee... not to mention the part where it took me a few minutes to take Asia down.. talk about sad on my part. Don't judge me.
✔ Driving the get-away car during the "stake-out."
✔ Lamb for lunch :)

There's more... but I'm kinda tired and can't think. So. 


Might I mention that Brock's horse Chalkadon doesn't have issues with hats... Cola does haha :)

Isn't she so sweet :D

Monday, January 9, 2012

Who, me???

Writing a page and a half paper for your AP English class really isn't that bad... but after reading Wuthering Heights the absolute last thing I wanted to do was, and I quote, 
"Discuss the effect of Catherine's death (1 1/2 page paper). You may want to discuss characterization, falling action, satisfying conclusion, plot or theme."
Reading the book was bad enough, but to have to analyze it too??? 

Yeah... I decided to BS the whole thing. I ended up writting my paper with the same kind of voice that I write my blog, somewhat serious with an underlying hint of sarcasm. Probably not the smartest thing, but I was coming up blank and besides, I was BSing it anyway, I might as well have a little fun ;) I take enormous pride in my first sentence.

"Catherine's death made this insufferable book possible."

Haha, yeah.. so I got my paper back today. Apparently I'm 'too chatty', my 'voice is confusing', and I have a 'flippant attitude.'

Ha, I kid you not, she wrote on my paper 'Why the flippant attitude?'
I guess this specific teacher doesn't have much of a sense of humor.. But I got a goodish grade, which honestly surprised me.

Flippant attitude :)
Hands down one of the best parts of my day.. along with chocolate pie for lunch.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

She Said

‎"I love the fact that as humans, we learn. We make mistakes but we progress. We grow as individuals and go on a 'journey' to figure out this crazy world. It's brilliant."

I can think of nothing that could possibly add to this statement. It's perfect.
Oh, and here's another one. Same person, but I'm not sure if I got it exactly right..

"What happened doesn't define what it was."

This person is one of the best people I know. I can always count on her and I feel so blessed to call her my best friend.. Love ya :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Looking Forward

2011 was good, very good. 
These past few months and especially weeks have honestly been some of the best yet. I've met so many new people and made tons of new friends, it's really kind of weird. I'm used to being the background, the one nobody really pays attention to, and that's fine by me. Honestly. But, within the last month my social life has changed so much. Parts I love, others have come a bit more reluctantly... 

I stand by what I said. 2011 was amazing and I'm pretty sure with how things are going now 2012 is looking to be another great year.
I have more friends than ever before, college and freedom are a mere 5 months away.. and with a car in sight.. I mean, life is good. I have absolutely nothing to complain about. Not right now anyway ;)

Actually.. I was traumatized yesterday.
I bought Bailey 3 fish and 3 shrimp for Christmas, as a joke, and well, it's been great fun. The shrimp are see through and you can see their brain and insides. Yeah, it's creepy :)
So Bailey had to clean the tank.. long story short, the biggest fish jumped out of the cup and spent a few moments gasping for water. Finally back in its happy place (the bowl) this champ of a fish.. went belly up. Then he began spazzing out and swimming around, upside down mind you, but would once again float to the top... Yeah, this happened for almost 5 minutes. Bailey and I were watching with sick fascination.. 
Oh, but it gets worse. See, Wal-Mart said the shrimp and this specific type of fish get along and up til now they have..
See, this spazy fish, he wasn't quite dead when the biggest of the shrimp swam up and..

latched onto the fish's face!! I kid you not! It was so so so gross!!! Bailey and I were freaking out. Eeewwww!!! So, we're both hiding in the family room, screaming at each other to throw away the not quite dead fish.. But it was so disgusting!!

 A few minutes go by and I go back in.. to find this. Fishy is dead and the little monster fish-eater is chowing away.

Yeah. I will never be able to look at shrimp the same. Ever.