Monday, January 9, 2012

Who, me???

Writing a page and a half paper for your AP English class really isn't that bad... but after reading Wuthering Heights the absolute last thing I wanted to do was, and I quote, 
"Discuss the effect of Catherine's death (1 1/2 page paper). You may want to discuss characterization, falling action, satisfying conclusion, plot or theme."
Reading the book was bad enough, but to have to analyze it too??? 

Yeah... I decided to BS the whole thing. I ended up writting my paper with the same kind of voice that I write my blog, somewhat serious with an underlying hint of sarcasm. Probably not the smartest thing, but I was coming up blank and besides, I was BSing it anyway, I might as well have a little fun ;) I take enormous pride in my first sentence.

"Catherine's death made this insufferable book possible."

Haha, yeah.. so I got my paper back today. Apparently I'm 'too chatty', my 'voice is confusing', and I have a 'flippant attitude.'

Ha, I kid you not, she wrote on my paper 'Why the flippant attitude?'
I guess this specific teacher doesn't have much of a sense of humor.. But I got a goodish grade, which honestly surprised me.

Flippant attitude :)
Hands down one of the best parts of my day.. along with chocolate pie for lunch.

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