Friday, January 20, 2012

The Power Of A Sticky Note

Everybody's got their good days... and their bad. Heck, yesterday was a bad one for me. Today, however has been quite good :)

~Skipping first period to work on my AP Essay question intro.. yeah, kill me now.. but talking to Mrs. Stanton was way good :)
~ Pollsters... survey people, but haha, thinking along the lines of our little 'stake-out'.. wow.. not good :)
~Lunch.. Being mocked for calling my grilled cheese a sandwich.. What the heck, right?
~Watching the big shrimp (the one Kylee has to eat in 10 days) chow down on another dead shrimp.. Haha, she's gonna get sick, but hey, she's the one that volunteered to do this ;) Might I mention that that shrimp has already eaten half the bowl... Out of 3 fish and 3 shrimp it's eaten the 2 smaller shrimps and Charley (the fish that died).

Remember the power of one

One person can make a difference. Really. I have no idea who has been leaving these post it notes in the girl's bathroom mirror, but 90% sure it's the same person. Can I just say, seeing one of these just kinda makes me happy. It's a random piece of inspiration that'll make any girl smile for the rest of the day. Hands down, guaranteed. I love this idea and I don't think this person knows just how much of an impact she's having on others. 
And I mean, lets be real, it takes 5 seconds to write something great on a sticky note and stick it up on a mirror. I'd say about 30 girls may see this... Ha, I don't know, I just made up a number, but it is girls so the number may be higher ;)... Anyway. If one girl takes a picture then either posts it to facebook or sends it to friends via text.. that's a lot of people. And hey, I'll be honest, I didn't take either of these pictures. The first was sent to me and the second I stole from facebook. But still. Sharing is caring right :)
Just saying :) One person really does make a difference.

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