Thursday, September 29, 2011

Love Happens

Funny right :D 
Did you catch the part where he compliments his wife?? 

I just finished a psych episode - well a couple actually, but that was only because there was a really creepy one and I can't go to sleep with images of psycho murders popping into window frames on a cold, dark night... I told you it was creepy. 
Anyway at the end of the one I just watched Shawn's on a date and the love of his life comes over and asks him out. Not in front of the other girl, she doesn't know he's on a date. He turns her down, because he's on a date, but then when he sees his date he's totally out of it, the date notices and asks, but instead of saying, gotta go, the girl I'm madly in love with just asked me out and basically ruining the night for his date, he makes it all about her.
(Wow. How many times did I say the word 'date'?)

That's the kind of guy I want. Then, when we're old, we'll be like this couple ↑goofy and sincere :D

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

September, really?

Sometimes I wake up at 6:30 and decide I  need more sleep and can skip first period.
And other times I get on facebook, pinterest and my blog to procrastinate doing my homework... even though there's a lot of it and it's all due tomorrow.
Sometimes I make a goal to be in bed by 9:30... too bad that one hasn't happened yet.

Sometimes I realize it's only September.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Last Time I Rode a Scooter??? Good Question

Sometimes I lay on my driveway and read Cold Mountain... and sometimes Max and Ava come over and I end up racing them across the culdesac a million times. And sometimes that's the most fun I have all day. But no worries, cuz I love that family like my own :D

Monday, September 26, 2011

Me Time

This is the one place where I can say whatever I want, and nobody can pass judgments- well, I guess you can, but you are on MY blog.
I just watched the Drop Dead Diva Season 3 finale, and I hated it!! That's not how its supposed to end! Now that he knows he's supposed to get the girl, simple, right? Obviously not. I hate TV. Too much drama. It's a good thing there will be a Season 4, cuz boy oh boy will that be interesting, haha :D

Also, I've been watching the Lying Game. It's only in its first season, but I'm hooked. It's way suspenseful and has some pretty good twists. I finished an episode today and was almost jumping out of my seat. I don't want to wait til next Monday.

See how sad my life is?? I sit at home and watch Psych, Drop Dead Diva, the Lying Game and... no, that pretty much sums it up :)

Coke Shot

Tell me this isn't the coolest thing ever.. Oh right, you can't, cuz it is... for now anyway.
I didn't take this picture. No. Michael did. 
I talked to him about it, and I'm not going to give away his secrets, but now we have a little competition going on and let me just say, as cool as this is, mine will be better. But seriously, I think this photo is awesome.

Well Michael, may the better shot/photographer win because you're on :D

Word of Advice

If you're looking for a quick, cheap bite to eat... don't go to Sammy's.
Me and Annika stopped by after school and ordered a shake, 1 shake, because it was over $4 for one shake. It took them at least 20 minutes to make our one shake. 
I might go back in a year or so, if they're still in business, and if they're prices get better, and if they have quicker service.
Just saying.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


In all the excitement yesterday I forgot to mention something that I thought was pretty rare now a days. 
At the concert for Sammy's they were handing out free ice cream. Well, after ice cream it's kinda nice to have some water. We went into Harts, but then found out we had to pay for water. 
Lame, right? 
We were walking out, I mean, it was a free concert, which means I brought no money, when this lady just paying for some stuff said she'd pay for whatever we needed.
Okay, seriously, how often do we see this anymore???!!
I'd say not at all, or at least hardly. 
Each water cup was 10¢, so even though it was barely a quarter and a nickel, it just kinda showed me that there's still kind people out there, willing to help out strangers.
That sounds bad, like nobody is nice anymore, but do you know what I mean? She didn't even know what we intended to get or how much it would be, she just offered. 
Talk about a good example.

Friends, Cops and Cars... ✔✔ and ✔

Wow. Today has seemed like the longest day.
First, I had a ward volleyball game. We lost, barely, but it was still a bunch of fun. Then we went to upgrade our phones and eat lunch. Came home, fell asleep on my driveway reading Cold Mountain, did nothing, but here's where my day got really interesting.

Annika called and asked if Bailey and I wanted to go to a concert down by Hart's. Of course we said yes, but Bailey had a little primping to do... So while me and Annika waited we decided to scare Bre and Kinsey who were waiting in front of my house. 
We went out the back door, jumped the fence, ducked low and ran straight for Bre's car. Once we reached the back we split up, me on the right side, Annika on the driver's side. 
1...2...3... BAM! 
We both started smacking the front seat windows. Hahaha :D You should have seen them!! Their faces!! They both jumped toward each other and their faces were priceless!! Totally made my week :D

We finally got to the little concert, which was being held in honor of Sammy's grand opening in DownTown PG. Yeah, I didn't even know it was being built. The music was okay, mostly we talked and jumped around. My favorite was watching Annika put ice down Bailey, Tori and Kinsy's back, then Kinsey shoving ice down Annika's shirt, then me dumping a cup full of ice on Annika's head... Good times. But it gets better.

Our little group of girls, you know, innocent teenagers who wouldn't hurt fly... Yeah, we had dealings with a cop.
No joke.
I'm seriously not kidding.
Katie, she's Bre and Kinsey's friend that I kinda got to know, she locked her keys in her car. We had a cop come down and open her car. It was actually pretty cool to watch, even if he wasn't that cute. Annika, Tori, Kinsey and Katie will all say he was a looker... but I wasn't seeing it.

After this, we went to Kinsey's house, well, her basement and just talked. Did I mention Chancy was there?? For those of you who don't know Chancy, let me just say he's Bailey's puppy dog. Yes, so it was us 7 girls... and Chancy. His dad talked, and of course he said he was with 7 girls in a basement and he didn't know where. Just what the parents want to hear haha :D

Pause for a minute.
Do you remember when I wrote about enjoying life/aggressive driving with Bre?
Yeah... that kinda happened again.
After taking Bailey's puppy home I was on State St just past Kneaders on the way home. I pass this red car and when I look inside, yep. It's Bre and Kinsey. We drive side by side for a bit, laughing, but then it's kind of a race to see who can get home first. I won't go into details, but Bre won, barely. In my defense, I was driving safe.

So yeah. This just about sums up the highlights of my day. You have to admit, it was pretty great :D

Friday, September 23, 2011


In between the lines there’s a lot of obscurity
I’m not inclined to resign to maturity
If it’s all right, then you’re all wrong
Why bounce around to the same damn song
You’d rather run when you can’t crawl

I know you know that I’m not telling the truth
I know you know they just don’t have any proof
Embrace the deception, learn how to bend
Your worst inhibitions tend to psych you out in the end

I know, you know
I know, you know

Haha, I love this series. 
My favorite part about the theme song is when it says 'I'm not inclined to resign to maturity' and I love Shawn, Gus and Juliet... Gotta love Psych :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Anybody Else Creeped Out???

For those of you who don't know... my house is haunted. Yeah, it's super creepy. Let me start from the beginning.

About a week ago my mom filled a bunch of gallon jugs with water and stuck them on various shelves for storage. Later that day mom came into the house wanting to know who had opened one of the jugs and left it on the garage floor with the cap off... 
Why is this creepy??? Well, none of us, not me or Bailey, messed with that jug. Not convinced? How 'bout this:

Last night my mom woke up at 3 a.m. Why?? She heard 2 girl voices talking, not whispering. Kobe woke up too, and my mom checked the entire house. Nobody was in or outside the house and both Bailey and I were asleep. Creeeeepy.

Yeah.. add to that list that our cupboard opened and all the pots came tumbling out on its own... haha, just a little freaked.

Oh boy, my ACT score just came in the mail. Let me see... wait for it.. waaaiiitttt for it... AH-HA!! YES!! 28 :D

Last time I got a 25, so I improved :)
Okay, I can't even SAY how excited I am right now :D

Saturday, September 17, 2011

True Story

I just found something that's WAY better than free food and homecoming. Playing with the neighbor kids, hands down, no comparison.

I started out downstairs watching the BYU vs. U of U football game... but I got bored. Plus I kinda wanted to keep my hearing, not lose it due to my mom yelling at the TV. I went outside to take a picture of the sunset, did you see it? It was all purplish and yellow.. Oh wait. I bet you, whoever you are, had your eyes glued to the TV watching the blue v red game.
Anyway. I took the picture then looked across the street and saw the neighbor kids riding their bikes, chasing each other. I heard my name, and... well to spare the long details, I ended up hiding in a window well and under a car in hide-and-seek, dodging all these little kids in freeze tag, and basically having some of the most fun I've had in awhile.
As I was laying flat under the car in our culdesac I realized that I had quite possibly just made the Zollingers' night, not to mention my night. I had one of those 'what if' moments. 

What if I stayed in the house and watched the game... I'd be bored out of my mind.
What if I had chosen to read or do homework instead playing with these kids... Again, I'd be bored and bummed out that I didn't get asked to homecoming (I'm not by the way, bummed about homecoming I mean)
What if I hadn't helped the Zollingers' unload their stuff when they first moved in and gotten to know them since then... Uh, well, I wouldn't have been out there playing for one. And they'd just be the crazy family with a Z last name and a bunch of little kids. No, I love that family. They remind me of my family away from home.
What if their little girls knew my name... I wouldn't be Kobe's sister, just Shelby. That's boring. I like being Kobe and Kooper's sister :D

Basically I'm just really glad that I went out and played. I really do love that family. And you know what? I would trade any number of dances for an hour of fun with the Zollingers. 

True Story :D

Free Food

You can never go wrong with free food. Never. 
Today I found a coupon for a free small fry at Purple Turtle as I was checking out of work. Yeah, that and the part where I sat at a booth with a Purple Turtle's special fry sauce squirter thing... Free fries and unlimited fry sauce?? I think heck yes! 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Hobby

You know the feeling when you have an assignment but you're just dreading it?? 2 stories.

In Sociology our homework is to go out in society and break the norm somehow, then write a paper on it. If you know me, then you know that I like to stay inconspicuous. I don't like being the center of attention and I absolutely don't break any norms, that just draws attention. This assignment is due on Thursday and I still have no idea what I'm going to do :(

Snapping a photo of a sunflower... it's not hard. So why did I procrastinate this assignment til the 2nd to last day? Well, it beats me. I went out today, took my pictures, and you know what? I totally enjoyed myself and can't wait to get more pictures. I've had a camera for a large portion of my life... who woulda thunk that a single class was all it took for me to truly love it?

My favorite

Notice the patterns on the bee's wings??

My other favorite :)

Oh, no worries. I just happened upon this giant of a spider making a web. I kid you not, it was at least an inch long. I tried to get a pic of its face... but it was kinda in the middle of something and paid me no mind.

Monday, September 12, 2011

I Said Please...

Charles Frazier... go die a hole. Oh, but before you do, would you mind ripping your book Cold Mountain to shreds then burning it? Oh, and then I want you to collect the ashes of your book and drop them in your hole. Jump in after your ashes and die. Please and thank you :D 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Help

I saw this movie for the first time today. I haven't read the book yet, but oh my heck, it's amazing!! Totally gives a new perspective and a feel for what life was like during that time. My favorite characters were easily Minny, Skeeter (Rita Skeeter, from Harry Potter, must be the evil twin :) and Aibileen.
You is kind
You is smart
You is important

This show made me wonder
 what type of person would I have been if I lived during that period??
I hope I would have had to courage to make a stand and help out the blacks. Be their friend...

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Wow. I cannot remember the last time I took a nap. 
I guess a 2 hour nap after a 4 hour test is okay...
But still. I never take naps.
It's totally Kobe's fault.

Kobe was laying by me, then later Kooper. Kobe fell asleep beside me and he was snoring. Yes, he's a heavy sleeper. I think he lulled me to sleep :D

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Pictures Your Pictures Could Look Like

I'm taking a photo class this semester... yes, it's great. 
One of the first assignments was making a poster, as a group. My group was made up of Tori, Jalynn, and Ami. I love those people! Anyway. We were told that only a few groups would receive the full points and the rest 80%. Some motivation, huh? Well, we decided to play off of Mr. Old Spice :D

The Pictures Your Pictures Could Look Like

Hello photographers. Look at your photo, now at mine, now back at yours, now back to my photo. sadly, it isn't mine, but if you stopped using bad technique and switched to good technique, it could look like my photo.
(The top photo is a pic of a lady falling off a horse, and the pink strip by it says 'I'm on a horse' haha)
I know it's way fuzzy and I'm sorry, that's the best I could do with my phone camera.

Now. Onto another great aspect of photography class. Homemade tin can cameras. We didn't make them, but Mr. B showed us how to use them. It's a long tin can with an itsy bitsy tiny hole poked in it with a 'shutter'. The shutter is a piece of cardboard taped to the outside of the can, that flips up. See, there's a certain type of paper that, if exposed to light in any degree, once developed, turns into a negative photograph. 
Stick some fancy photo paper inside the dark, dark camera can, lift the shutter to bring in light and...
This was the 2nd picture Megan and I took using said ingenious invention :D
The first one was just of Megan, but turned out great. I'm the one on the right, Megan is on the left. I think the reason my left arm looks non-existent, is because I was holding the shutter up. 

Hey, I think it's pretty clear... for a tin can :D Oh, and do you see the school bus inbetween the 2 of us??

"Live as if you'd drop dead in 10 seconds. Ask no guarantees, ask for no security."
Life... is unpredictable. Just go watch Soul Surfer. Sometimes things happen that make life hard. Keep going. Live as if you'd die tomorrow, or in 10 seconds. How would your life be different? What would you do or change?

Have fun and make every moment count!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ever After

Hahaha!!! I LOVE Ever After... I'm watching it now and I keep getting distracted by the quotes :D

Stepmother: Perhaps I shall ship you off to the Americas with all the rest of the thieves.

Stepmother: You're hiding something from me. I can feel it. I demand to know what it is.
Danielle: Why don't you tell me so I can get back to sleep?
Marguerite: What about our breakfast?
Danielle: You have two hands. Make it yourself.

Davinci: I know that a life without love, is no life at all.
Prince Henry: And love without trust? What of that?
Davinci: She's your match, Henry..
Prince Henry: I am but a servant to my crown, and I have made my decision! I will not yield!
Davinci: Then you don't deserve her.

Stepmother: How can anyone ever love a pebble in their shoe. (Oh my heck, if anything screams heartless it's this!)

Danielle: I belong to no one, least of all you.
Creepy Dude: I could hang you for this.
Danielle: Not if you are dead.

Woman: Once you wash the tablecloths you can start on the napkins. And move those over there.
Stepmother: Marguerite, you heard the Woman.
Marguerite: So did you.
Stepmother: Yes, but I'm management.
Marguerite: Like hell you are. You're just the same as me, you big nobody!
Stepmother: How dare you speak to me that way, I am of noble blood!
[Umm, excuse me, Mrs. Management? If you are of noble blood, well... so is your daughter!!!]
Woman: And you are getting on my nerves
(pushes them into freezing, dirty water)
Woman: Hahaha, now get to work

Ominous Lady Voice: And while Cinderella and her prince did live happily ever after, the point is that they lived.

Pretty great, right :D
You know, no matter what form, Cinderella is a great story. I've loved each and every version I have ever seen. Disney's Cinderella, A Cinderella Story with Hilary Duff, Ever After, Ella Enchanted, Another Cinderella Story with Selena Gomez... They're all amazing.

"Be to her virtues very kind;
Be to her faults a little blind;
Let all her ways be unconfin'd;
And clap your padlock--on her mind."
     ---  A Bride Most Begrudging, 161, by Deanne Gist 

I love the first 3 parts, but seriously?? How sad would that be? 
Honorable and faultless, yes... but mindless??
There's no way I could have lived like that, way back then.. With the guys in charge and having all the power.. No thank you!

How 'bout this...
"Be to her virtues very kind;
Be to her faults a little blind;
Let all her ways be unconfin'd."

Much better, yes?
This is life ever after :D

Oh Crap

Somebody teach me prealgebra, algebra, geometry and trig... please??
See, I have to take the ACT Saturday morning, and, well... easy math isn't so easy now that I'm in hard math...

Okay, on a better note
my photo poster is displayed in the high school hallway. I'm kinda psyched :D

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I've never really thought of how important being positive is. With a positive outlook on life and chores and such, everything seems better, more fun.
I've noticed that when I do something with a happy heart it's... different. A good different.

I mean, think about it.  No matter what it is that you're supposed to be doing if you think happy thoughts you can fly.. Not literally, but doing things in a jovial manner makes the task at hand so much easier.


 Add a pinch of positive thinking and your whole day can be turned around. So.
Be optimistic and make every second count!!

And remember, faith is like muscle. 
You have to exercise it, because it's continually moving, whether that movement is forward or backward is up to you :D

Monday, September 5, 2011


On the way home from church Bailey was talking in her British accent... Brock was talking in his "hillybilly" accent. And yes, that was what he called it :D

Driving home from NV we passed a white truck with... wait for it... wait for it... antlers attached and sticking straight up from his truck!! Now, THAT is what I call hillybilly :)
Because I was too slow in snapping a good photo, just try to imagine it.

This truck, mud splattered on the sides and directly in the middle on the top of the truck antlers sticking up more than a foot.. True story :D

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Earth to Shelby!!!

During the car ride to town Brock was giving me a politics lesson... He was able to not only name all the republican presidential candidtaes, but he knew where some were from and what some of them looked like. Did I menton he's 10?? I kid you not, my jaw was dropped.
He then asked me a simple question: Who do you like??
Talk about a wake up call.
Here I am, I can't even name a single candidate nor have I ever had any interest in politics. I'm 17. He's 10.
Sad, right??.
I am still in awe at his political knowledge. He was nonstop talking politics for about 20 minutes.
I have never had an inkling to know what's happening in the political world, but wow...
I know at 10, politics and who the next president was going to be was the last thing on my mind. Brock already has a mental note of the 'good' guys and the 'bad'. He knows what they believe and if they're the governor of some state or another..
In my 17 years the only thing I've figured about politics is the fact that politicians are liars. That's it.

I think I need to wake up and start paying attention to the world around me. I may not like everything I see, but that's life and ignorance doesn't solve anything. 

Yesterday Was... Priceless

By now I'm guessing a lot of you have read Breanna's blog...
If not, go read it.

Well, now that you've seen the video, let me assure you it was nothing like that :)
She calls it aggressive, I call it enjoying life...
See, let me tell you the REAL story. It went like this:

Coming out of the school parking lot, Breanna cut me off. Yes, I never would have thought her capable of such a thing... but lo and behold, it happened. I have a witness :D Anyway, making the turn onto 700 E I was stuck behind Bre..Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but yesterday I kinda wanted some fun. I decided to go a different way that still met up on Center, the road Bre had taken. Well, my way was faster.. or my driving.. and I made it in front of Bre... but I maybe cut her off... It was totally safe :)
'An eye for and eye, a tooth for a tooth'
'Do unto others as you would have them do to you'
Shall I quote some more :D 

I must say though, I laughed so hard during that video.. Why?? Because it really is us... We fight like sisters :D

Another high of my day...
Bailey and I decided to surprise our Dad for his birthday, which is tomorrow. We told him we couldn't come see him, but, well.. we lied :D
When we finally got to Elko it was kinda dark, dark enough for us to see inside the car in front of us. Guess what we saw?? They had Shrek playing on their TV!! Luckily, they were going the same way as us. I got to watch like, an entire 10 minutes :) I first noticed it when Shrek went to Farquad's kingdom, then he fought all the guards, then Farquad sent him on his journey to find Fiona... That's when we parted ways.
Once we got to Dad's we totally surprised them. Asia saw us first and her face was priceless. It was a look of confusion, disbelief, then amazement or something of the like. Next, we walked into the family room, where everybody else was. Amber was confused, the kids thought they were dreaming and Dad... he was on the phone with my mom asking where we were :D It was pretty great because Mom could hear us from the other line but Dad was still oblivious. He seemed pretty confused when he turned around and saw us. Again, priceless :D
Happy Birthday Dad!!

Last night, was a night spent on the tramp in a sleeping bag, under the stars. Amazing. Cold, but worth it. :D

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pure Coldness

Have you ever tasted spring water?? 
Well, let me just tell you. It's amazing. I've never had more pure, cold water before in my life!! It's kinda cool that water coming straight from the ground is so tasty and clean and cold :)
But seriously. There is nothing like it anywhere else. No water compares.

Now, I'm sure by now you're probably wondering if I've gone a little crazy... I mean, I'm talking about WATER for crying out loud!!

The reason for my peculiar topic lays with a discussion we had in my communications class. Well, more of my teacher randomly attempting to explain the goodness of fresh spring water to the class. It was quite entertaining, but also made me think.

We... I mean... I take for granted all the joys in life. Finding a spring in the mountain really is one of many joys. It's not something I come upon often, so when I do, I just must have a drink. 
Haha, this has happened all of 2 times that I can remember. One was on top of a hill, everything was green and then there was this source of fresh water, just oozing from a hole into a small pool of water then running down the hill... 

This is my favorite though.
After a hard couple hours herding cows on a horse in the blistering sun with no food or water, Dad took us to this huge rock. All I wanted was to ride back to the truck so we could go home, but here he was, showing us a mound of stone. But. It wasn't just a rock, it was a natural water source..  Oh. My. Heck. That rock is now my most favorite rock in the world! I kid you not, I love that thing. The water that comes from it... I've never tasted better. Hands down. I love it. 

Okay, so kinda silly. But I think when we have so much enthusiasm for something we love, it just makes us love it even more. Thinking about it, I know this is true, because it happens to me all the time. Whether it be churchy stuff, my dog, my blog, or whatever. Having an 
or earnestness
 for something, makes that something the best thing in the world. 
When I get this feeling for something it makes me want to try harder to be good at it, whether it be art, photography or writing. I want to be proud of what I'm doing, and yet I just want to have fun...

I recently saw a picture of crayon art (melting crayons so they drip down a canvas in straight lines. Look it up, it's pretty cool). I've never seen this in my life, but I decided to try it. Yeah... it was an epic fail, but you know what? The 2 cardstock pages with my failed attempt at crayon art is hanging on my wall because I had fun and I made a memory. And who knows, maybe I'll try again :D