Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pure Coldness

Have you ever tasted spring water?? 
Well, let me just tell you. It's amazing. I've never had more pure, cold water before in my life!! It's kinda cool that water coming straight from the ground is so tasty and clean and cold :)
But seriously. There is nothing like it anywhere else. No water compares.

Now, I'm sure by now you're probably wondering if I've gone a little crazy... I mean, I'm talking about WATER for crying out loud!!

The reason for my peculiar topic lays with a discussion we had in my communications class. Well, more of my teacher randomly attempting to explain the goodness of fresh spring water to the class. It was quite entertaining, but also made me think.

We... I mean... I take for granted all the joys in life. Finding a spring in the mountain really is one of many joys. It's not something I come upon often, so when I do, I just must have a drink. 
Haha, this has happened all of 2 times that I can remember. One was on top of a hill, everything was green and then there was this source of fresh water, just oozing from a hole into a small pool of water then running down the hill... 

This is my favorite though.
After a hard couple hours herding cows on a horse in the blistering sun with no food or water, Dad took us to this huge rock. All I wanted was to ride back to the truck so we could go home, but here he was, showing us a mound of stone. But. It wasn't just a rock, it was a natural water source..  Oh. My. Heck. That rock is now my most favorite rock in the world! I kid you not, I love that thing. The water that comes from it... I've never tasted better. Hands down. I love it. 

Okay, so kinda silly. But I think when we have so much enthusiasm for something we love, it just makes us love it even more. Thinking about it, I know this is true, because it happens to me all the time. Whether it be churchy stuff, my dog, my blog, or whatever. Having an 
or earnestness
 for something, makes that something the best thing in the world. 
When I get this feeling for something it makes me want to try harder to be good at it, whether it be art, photography or writing. I want to be proud of what I'm doing, and yet I just want to have fun...

I recently saw a picture of crayon art (melting crayons so they drip down a canvas in straight lines. Look it up, it's pretty cool). I've never seen this in my life, but I decided to try it. Yeah... it was an epic fail, but you know what? The 2 cardstock pages with my failed attempt at crayon art is hanging on my wall because I had fun and I made a memory. And who knows, maybe I'll try again :D

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