Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Attitude Is A Choice... Be Happy :D

I live in a swamp... okay not really, but it sure feels like it. Especially today.

7:45-2:15    School
2:15-3    chillin' time before work
3-6    work
6-7   dinner... haha, ice cream. That's what happens when mom's not home :)
7-8:30    mutual
now:   writing... duh!... then I'll probably read, after which I'm gonna crash.. go to sleep, just in case you didn't know that one for yourselves :D

Let's add to that list homework, which I'm procrastinating til tomorrow. Ha! Finally something I'm good at :D

Yeah, between school, work and mutual I'm dead on my feet..

Best thing about today??
In my photo class we made posters on good photography. Mine went something like this..

The Picture Your Picture Could Look Like

Hello Photographers! Look at your photo,    
now at mine, now back at yours, now back     
to my photo. Sadly, it isn't mine, but if you 
stopped using bad technique and switched
to good technique it could look like my photo.

Then we had 8 pictures in a square around these words... Haha, you know where they're from don't you?? The Old Spice commercial, we just messed with the wording :D Anyway, 8 photos surrounding with a black shadow line. Like, if it was the pic above the words, the top would have a black shadow, bottom right, the right side and bottom shaded. It was pretty cool.
The best part? 
The top picture was a pic of a lady falling off a horse.
We put the words "I'm on a horse." from the commercial onto the pic... You probably have to see it for it to be funny, but it made my day. Along with Kinsey's story...

The short version which takes place Saturday night during the storm:
A guy has a dog. A stupid dog. This particular dog runs into the road, gets struck by lightning then hit by a car... I started crying I was laughing so hard, but it gets better!!.... The next morning the guy walks into the street, grabs the dog's tail, and walks to his backyard, dragging the dog by his tail. So a neighbor goes over to make sure this dude is ok. He walks into the yard and the guy is muttering, "Stupid dog, idot, stupid dog!" while he proceeds to bury the dog. One problem. The dead dog is laying in the grass and this guy is shoveling dirt onto the dog. He's making a hole, but in the meantime, the dog is becoming a mound!!

This story is also much better with actions, but hey, now I have it forever :)
Okay, so I guess my day wasn't so terrible. But still. I feel like I had no time to myself...

Smile, be happy, say hi to people you don't know. It makes life better. It's true, I promise. I've been on the receiving end of all these actions and it has made my entire day :D

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! The lightening-struck dog and the dumb-struck owner. Classic. I just hope you know how great you are Shelby :)
