Sunday, August 28, 2011

2 Weeks, 2 Words

What's up with all these lightning storms?!?!?!!
This is the 2nd one in the past 2 weeks... The last one was August 15th, so exactly 13 days ago I think. Weird how I know this right :)
Well, all I have to say is if we get one storm like this every 2 weeks for the next couple of weeks I'll be one happy girl :D

The best part of this storm? Easy.
I was standing in the middle of my culdesac with some friends and lightning was flashing all around us. One minute it would be in front, then to the side, then another side... and it just kept getting bigger and brighter. Amazing, truly amazing!!! My favorite was the strike that was right above us, it had 3 strands of lightning and was one of the brightest.. Yeah, we thought we were gonna die :)

Funny story.
Friday at work -I work at the library- this lady, total stranger, comes up to me and asks if I know how to write a resumé. I told her I've only written one in my life and that was last year in my Financial Lit class. She goes on to ask if I could help her write and upload her resumé onto an online application... Keep in mind, perfect stranger, in her late 20's to early 30's, I've never seen or met her in my life!!

I go back to the computer she's at and she shows me where it says upload resumé. I asked if she already had one written, and in response she pulls up a blank Word document and writes her name.
"Now, does this go in the middle??"
I again ask if she already has one saved somewhere, and she says yes, in her email. I have her pull it out while I run find "Your First Resumé" a book on how to write a resumé, and we start tweaking things. At one point this lady asks if I could find an address of a place she worked at. I run to my boss to ask permission to use the computers up front and say
"So I'm helping this lady write her resumé"
at which point she starting laughing... like, full on laughing!! My guess is she knew that I've never written a resumé before, seeing as this is my first job and I didn't have to when I applied... I started laughing, too, after which April (my boss) says sure, then goes on to say, but you could do it the old fashioned way, a phonebook. Okay, honestly, I didn't even know we had a phone book at the library!!! No worries though, I got to use the internet :)

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but I kid you not, I helped this lady for an hour and a half at least!! Any neatness that went into her resumé were things I suggested.
I just thought it was one of the oddest things I've ever had to do while at work. Don't get me wrong, I had fun, but it was weird all the same.

By doing this, I learned the value of
being organized
having computer skills
knowing how to read a how-to book

At the very beginning, before she asked for my help I was organizing the movies. Out of the corner of my eye I saw this lady walking toward me, but then she was intercepted by one of the clerks. 
"Can I help you with something?" 
Lady: "Oh, I just need help with my resumé, and I need to upload it to a site." 
Clerk: "Hmm, I'm not sure how to do that."
Lady: " I was going to ask her, would she know?"
They were talking about me, but I was pretending not to hear...
Clerk: "I'm not sure, but you can ask."
Lady: "I think I will."

I have no idea as to why she thought I could help her, but you know what?? I could have turned her down. I could have said, No, I don't know how to write a resumé. I could have said, I need to do my work. 
But I helped her.
I helped this lady do something that was difficult for her and pretty easy for me. 
I gave her my time and my patience.
I gave her my suggestions and opinions.
You know what she gave me?
She gave me an understanding of what's important in the long run.
She gave me the realization of the value of education.
She gave me an appreciation for what I have.
She gave me her gratitude for my time.
She gave me 2 words.

She said thank you.

Thank you has never meant so much to me. I felt like this lady was seriously grateful. Yeah, it was odd and my boss thought it was funny. But I felt like I made a difference in her life. Somehow.
It made me feel good, like I'd done something meaningful.
The power of 2 words.
Who knew???
I sure didn't.


  1. Shelby, I used to work at the library did you know? April is so wonderful! Also, does the crazy old lady still come in all the time in her barefeet? Man, that lady was seriously on something. haha

  2. I did! I remember we talked once, you said you'd erase your fi... I mean, you said it was the best job in the world hahaha :D I love April, and no, I haven't seen a crazy barefoot lady, but now I'm going to be keeping my eyes peeled haha :)

  3. hahhahah oh yes i do remember talking about that!! hahhaah oh my so great. you are great!
