Monday, August 22, 2011

What Just Happened?!?!

Today isn't the last day of summer and I didn't just pick up my senior schedule... I promise I'm not in denial :)

For serious though, where did the time go??
I'm pretty sure we were given a couple months of summer, not a few weeks!!

On a happier note, my schedule doesn't look that bad...
AP English Lit
AP Stats
Digital Photo 1... Business Math (semester 1 and 2)
Spanish 4
Drawing 1... Popular Lit (semester 1 and 2)

See, not so bad... maybe except for the Spanish, but besides that :)
Spanish definitely isn't one of my favorites, but guess what?? I'm teaching myself Sign Language! I've already learned the ABC's, and even though I'm not super amazing yet, I'm learning :D

I want to know where the time went!! I remember being in elementary school imagining what it'd be like to drive and date... Haha, I'm still kinda wondering on the last one :)... I thought it'd be forever before I'd be a big kid, a teenager. When I was that young, I NEVER imagined college would be so close!!

Well, this just goes to show that everyday counts and no matter what you choose to do with your life, time keeps going. Make the best of it and have fun!! Live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment :D

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