Saturday, August 20, 2011

Quotes, Cuteness, and Complete Randomness

A picture is worth a million words, right??
Well, here you go

I took this picture on my phone a couple days ago. I just think it is the cutest thing!! Usually when Kobe is laying like this by the stairs his underbite is especially noticeable :D

I know it's not the best pic, but do you see this lady's leg hanging out the window?? Me and Bailey saw her as we were stopped at a stop light on State Street.. I just thought it was kinda funny :)

I went to Deseret Book today to get a CTR ring. I can't remember the last time I had one, and even then it was just the cheapy ones kids have... Anyway, I had nothing to do today, so after dropping Bailey off at the mall, I wandered Deseret Book for awhile. I found a bunch of quotes, but liked these the best...

I love this, because now, no matter where you live, the world has this standard that it wants us to conform to. You really can be anything... so don't give in to pressure, and just BE YOURSELF!!

I saw this, and instantly thought of some people :) Also, I think it's a good reminder that being a good friend.. all it takes is a LITTLE effort. It's easy :D

And last but not least... another quote, except this one doesn't have a picture.

Life is an adventure.
It's not the destination we reach that's most rewarding. It's the journey along the way.

I love this, but I do have one thought.
Life IS a journey, but the ultimate final destination IS the most rewarding: Eternal Life..
In general though, I do agree. The journey along the way is a rewarding adventure :)

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