Thursday, August 25, 2011

Chillin' at Deer Creek

Yesterday for mutual we went boating.
Pretty great, I know :)
About 20 of the young women showed up, which was a lot less than I expected. But get this, we only had 2 boats... I went once, but some of the other girls went a couple of times. I'm not complaining by the way...

I went tubing with Bailey and Annika. We told the boat driver, aka Annika's dad, to do his worst, and let me tell you, he did pretty good. I fell halfway in but pulled myself back onto the tube once... yes I am very proud of myself :) Then I don't know what happened, I think the edge of our tube hit a wave and we all flew, but I distinctly remember looking down at the water then plunging in feet first. Haha, I'm pretty sure I was parallel to the water for a couple of moments. All I know is it felt like I was flying :)

We went back to shore a little bit later. Annika stayed to help out her dad and my other friends got on the boat, which left me with a whole bunch of younger kids... yeah me!! Hahaha :)

Being the prepared person that I am, I brought a water gun.. you know, the kind that is like a stick. You put the end under the water, pull the handle to load it, then push the handle to squirt the water. Haha, I started a water fight with one of my leaders and one of the younger girls, Jenna :D 

Jenna totally had it coming though, so no worries.. 

This is the part that really made me happy though. As we were cleaning up and getting ready to leave, one of the mom's that came up with us walked up to me and the previously mentioned leader... Sis. Conder, the one I started my surprise water fight against... and started saying how she loves my personality. Now, I can't remember it exactly, but she said that she loves

my fun personality, I'm not afraid to be different and have a little fun, and that I'm a little trouble :D

Yeah, something along those lines. But let me tell you, it really made me feel good. The whole time we were there... and any other time I'm having fun, aka chasing someone with a cup/bottle/bucket full of water... I figured I was just another face in the crowd. And when I was dousing Sis. Conder then later Jenna, well, I can't say I thought I was invisible, but it just seems that nobody pays much attention. 
I don't know where I'm going with this, but to realize that someone.. and an adult at that... actually thinks of me, not as the immature 17 year old chasing her friends, some leaders and a few of the little kids, but as having a unique and fun personality... I just really love that.
It was, hands down, the best part of my day!!  :D

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