Thursday, August 11, 2011


I'd like to think I'm original...

Old Pioneer Cemetery in Nauvoo...
Yeah I know, writing on your shoe isn't original... I just think that's the saddest smiley face I've ever drawn. Not to mention, the rocks are ancient :) 

Mississippi River

I've been to both places..
Why else would my funky shoes be in them?!

This summer I decided I needed something I can call my own so,
not only do I wear mismatched shoes, but I document my travel and fun with pics of my shoes.

Weird and so unoriginal, I know.
But for serious, I LOVE that pic  

Okay, on to business now.

Bailey got her learner's permit today...
and insisted on driving everywhere.
Well duh, 
I don't know why I expected anything less.

So, besides the nerves and the butterflies and seeing my life flash before my eyes multiple times, she did all right.
 We're driving home from the movies, it's dark, and Bailey's driving...
Who wooda thunk??
When she says:

"Did you guys see that shooting star?!"
(Hey Dad, remind you of anything, hahaha :D )

 Hahaha, funny right?? 
I kid you not, my stomach dropped and my heart skipped a beat.

But besides the small issue of stargazing while driving, Ba did pretty good... for her first time :)

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