Thursday, September 8, 2011

Ever After

Hahaha!!! I LOVE Ever After... I'm watching it now and I keep getting distracted by the quotes :D

Stepmother: Perhaps I shall ship you off to the Americas with all the rest of the thieves.

Stepmother: You're hiding something from me. I can feel it. I demand to know what it is.
Danielle: Why don't you tell me so I can get back to sleep?
Marguerite: What about our breakfast?
Danielle: You have two hands. Make it yourself.

Davinci: I know that a life without love, is no life at all.
Prince Henry: And love without trust? What of that?
Davinci: She's your match, Henry..
Prince Henry: I am but a servant to my crown, and I have made my decision! I will not yield!
Davinci: Then you don't deserve her.

Stepmother: How can anyone ever love a pebble in their shoe. (Oh my heck, if anything screams heartless it's this!)

Danielle: I belong to no one, least of all you.
Creepy Dude: I could hang you for this.
Danielle: Not if you are dead.

Woman: Once you wash the tablecloths you can start on the napkins. And move those over there.
Stepmother: Marguerite, you heard the Woman.
Marguerite: So did you.
Stepmother: Yes, but I'm management.
Marguerite: Like hell you are. You're just the same as me, you big nobody!
Stepmother: How dare you speak to me that way, I am of noble blood!
[Umm, excuse me, Mrs. Management? If you are of noble blood, well... so is your daughter!!!]
Woman: And you are getting on my nerves
(pushes them into freezing, dirty water)
Woman: Hahaha, now get to work

Ominous Lady Voice: And while Cinderella and her prince did live happily ever after, the point is that they lived.

Pretty great, right :D
You know, no matter what form, Cinderella is a great story. I've loved each and every version I have ever seen. Disney's Cinderella, A Cinderella Story with Hilary Duff, Ever After, Ella Enchanted, Another Cinderella Story with Selena Gomez... They're all amazing.

"Be to her virtues very kind;
Be to her faults a little blind;
Let all her ways be unconfin'd;
And clap your padlock--on her mind."
     ---  A Bride Most Begrudging, 161, by Deanne Gist 

I love the first 3 parts, but seriously?? How sad would that be? 
Honorable and faultless, yes... but mindless??
There's no way I could have lived like that, way back then.. With the guys in charge and having all the power.. No thank you!

How 'bout this...
"Be to her virtues very kind;
Be to her faults a little blind;
Let all her ways be unconfin'd."

Much better, yes?
This is life ever after :D

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