Saturday, September 3, 2011

Earth to Shelby!!!

During the car ride to town Brock was giving me a politics lesson... He was able to not only name all the republican presidential candidtaes, but he knew where some were from and what some of them looked like. Did I menton he's 10?? I kid you not, my jaw was dropped.
He then asked me a simple question: Who do you like??
Talk about a wake up call.
Here I am, I can't even name a single candidate nor have I ever had any interest in politics. I'm 17. He's 10.
Sad, right??.
I am still in awe at his political knowledge. He was nonstop talking politics for about 20 minutes.
I have never had an inkling to know what's happening in the political world, but wow...
I know at 10, politics and who the next president was going to be was the last thing on my mind. Brock already has a mental note of the 'good' guys and the 'bad'. He knows what they believe and if they're the governor of some state or another..
In my 17 years the only thing I've figured about politics is the fact that politicians are liars. That's it.

I think I need to wake up and start paying attention to the world around me. I may not like everything I see, but that's life and ignorance doesn't solve anything. 

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