Thursday, December 29, 2011

Fairy Tale Endings..

I just finished watching a few movies... sad isn't it? It's Christmas break and here I am working on the 3rd 1000 piece puzzle this week and watching an endless number of movies. Today was HP 7 part 2, Zombieland and the Princess and the Frog.. Odd combo I know.

But. I did learn a few things from the Frog show (and yes, I do hate that movie.. all the voodoo creepy crap, not my thing)
"Fairy tales can come true. You gotta make em happen, it all depends on you"

Put in the work and anything is possible that you set your mind on.
Yeah, things probably won't go according to plan, the unexpected will happen, but I believe that everyone gets their happily ever after.

Also, in the end how Tiana's friend, the princess, wants to marry the prince because he's a prince, but then she sees that Tiana and said Prince have fallen in love, true love (I can feel the cheesyness as I type) and all she wants is for them to be happy..

That's a true friend.
I just really loved that, because I know I've got a friend like that.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Gingerbread Houses!!

Every year my family and our mom's best friend's family get together and we, the kids (Me, Bailey, Tane, Carter, and Kelani) make gingerbread houses. We've been doing this for as long as I can remember, it's the one tradition that has continued throughout the years.

It's always been a competition to see who can be the most creative.. and well, let's just say Bailey and I have to keep the boys challenged. 
This year Tane and Carter staged massacres.. So we gave them a run for their money :)

It's cinnamon bears vs. marshmallow men (gingerbread flavor)

Here we have the snipers in the tower... The one on the roof is camouflaged, and the ginger man is killing the sniper.  

I honestly don't know where to start with this one.. Well, you can see it for yourself. But I will point out my 2 favorites: bottom left, the ginger man chopped a cinnamon bear in half.. I think it's his expression :) and the guy with a broken leg climbing the tower. Okay, and the ginger man in pieces on the very left. 

↑ This one got shot  hehe :)

I must say, the sharpie made it all the better hahaha :D 
What is our Christmas tradition coming to???
Haha, I love it :)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Day To Remember...

This is a great day. Not only did I get my Christmas shopping done, but...

I went on a date! :) 
Haha, let's just say I have no balance and can't ice skate worth a darn.
Oh, and you never know the kind of people you might run into walking the streets of Salt Lake.. like, I'm talking black boots/heels, tight skinny jeans, also black, and one of those nice jackets women wear (yeah, also black) with a hood. But when you take a look at the face it's a guy with a beard... haha, made my day, but was pretty sketchy at the same time. I had a great time and it was a blast.
And not only was it with the guy I'm engaged to... but it was my first legit date :) 
What is this, the third time he's made my day?
1- proposed
2 - shooting and a movie
3 - a date

Thanks Charley!!
Random thought here... But oh the memories this brings to mind :)

Time Flies

How many of us waste the time we're given??
How many of us think of time as a gift?
Tell me this, if you knew exactly how long you had to live, how would you use that time?

My time has gone by so fast.
Shooting on Tuesday was way fun. Seriously, who knew there was a shooting range in PG?? And I had no idea that I could come to love and miss my .22 more.. But hey, I got to shoot and that was the important part. And I guess it didn't hurt that my future husband was there :)
And I'm just going to say that noticing the quirky things in a movie makes it oh so much more enjoyable..

Back to my questions.
Time really is a gift and for the most part it's taken for granted. The only time we think of this life and the time we have is when we misuse it or see someone else lose theirs.
Regrets are a big part of that I think. Looking back and saying I should have done this. Sometimes it can eat at you, but I would say, the best thing you can do is learn from that experience and make up your mind that given another chance, you'll do what you know is right.

We're people and we all make mistakes, that's a given. But instead of wallowing in self despair, change.

"Wise men learn from their mistakes, truly wise men learn from the mistakes of others."

We are all given the gift of life and time to live, so live! Change what you can to make not only yourself, but others, better. Learn from your mistakes and regrets and live like you knew you were making a difference in someone's life, because you are. No matter what is going on in your life, I can guarantee that someone can feel the effect that you have, whether for good or bad.

You are important.
Use your time wisely.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tell Me How

In answer to the question 'How do you do it? How do you hold your breath for so long and climb to the top of the trees?' Ozzy, of Surviver Season 23 says this:

"... Not being afraid, not being afraid. You're at the perfect age where all the kids out there, you guys you really can do whatever you want, just figure out what it is you want to do and don't be afraid to fall down, don't be afraid to fail because you can do it, you really can."

Yeah, it's a little scatterbrained, but I love the message here.
If we set our mind on something then why shouldn't we be able to accomplish it?? Because we're afraid? Don't let fear stop you from trying! If you don't try then there's no way you can do the things you want to. Set your goals, your expectations and do it. Sometimes fear holds us back, but sometimes fear pushes us forward. 
Follow your dreams, don't let your fear or the words of others get you down, because if you set your mind to it, if you believe in yourself and have faith, then how can you not succeed??

Life, It Really is Wonderful

"Remember no man is a failure who has friends."
-Clarence, It's a Wonderful Life

Forget money, it's the friends that make your life rich. I mean seriously, the best memories that I have all include my friends and family. And don't even get me started on the times when I've needed advice or someone to vent to.. It's amazing how much I've learned over the years from all my friends, mostly by watching them and the way they handle things..  

It's the people in my life that have shaped me and the way I am. Everything I do, it's because I've been influenced by someone whose been in my life. And I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say the reason you read my blog is because I somehow play a part in your life.. I know, it's a long shot, but I'm willing to say it most likely goes both ways. We've been in each other's life for a reason, whether good or bad {hopefully good}, to learn something new or be influenced in some way. All I know is the people in my life have a huge impact on me and I love them all :)

It's all about attitude :)

I love this!!

Life is a gift. Yes, it's hard, but everything happens for a reason, the people you meet and the experiences you go through, it's all part of the bigger plan and in the end it'll all work out.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Step Up is one of my all time favorite movies... You really can't get better than Channing Tatum :)

Here's a line that stood out to me today:
"If you wanna be with someone who doesn't appreciate what a good thing he's got, that's 100% your business. I just thought you'd be smart enough to know you deserved better."

I've never noticed that before, but it's so true and I love it!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I Know

I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true. 

This evening I was driving home from Cedar City in the dark with Mom and Taeta. My cruise was set at  80ish, and all of a sudden I got this feeling to slow down. I did... like two notches. But then I got the feeling even stronger, "Slow down." This time I slowed to about 65. I kid you not, within seconds of slowing I hit a wall of fog. It was thick, I could barely see 6 feet in front of the car and to make it even better there were no cars in front to help guide me through.

How do I know the Gospel is true?? Because I know the Holy Ghost was there protecting us. And I've read the Book of Mormon and prayed about it..

Oh, and I know SUU is my school. I'm pretty much completely sure, like 96% sure :)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Too soon?

Apparently I'm getting married... haha, highlight of my week.
This guy, let's call him Charley, proposed to me!! But not just any, will you marry me? It was completely legit. I'm talking, he got down on one knee and gave me a ring. 

This is, hands down, the nicest, best thing any guy has ever done for me!! Haha, I love it :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Written Word

Have you ever just needed to get away from all the drama and worries of everyday life?? Try books...

One day, I will have this.

This would also be cool... but a built in nook kinda beats a ladder.

Think about it, how much of what we read ends up maybe defining a part of who we are? Qualities we hope for, talents we may want to develop, people we would like to either meet or become. 

I have learned so much from the books I've read. With some, my testimony has grown. With others, I find qualities in the characters that inspire me to be better. One book in particular has become a traditional read, 2 From Galilee. It's the Christmas Story written in Mary's perspective, talk about thought-provoking! 

As you can probably tell, books play a huge part in my life, and it's quite unfortunate that I haven't had much time to read the things I enjoy {Have you seen my Hooked on a Book list lately?? I swear, all it does is grow... that's the problem of working in a library while also taking an AP English class}

I honestly can't imagine my life without books... I mean, Harry Potter has been in my life since I can remember!! My mom and I used to read them together before bed when I was younger, and I distinctly remember being at my dad's and getting a package in the mail. It was the 5th Harry Potter book, and from that point on I refused to put it down...  Ah, the memories :)

Don't even get me started on asking Taeta for her Work and the Glory series when she died.. haha, let's just say the entire series is proudly displayed on my bookshelf along with my other favorite series and she's good and healthy :D

All I know is that I owe so much to authors and if I had a creative/ writing gene in me, I'd totally follow that line of work.. but maybe I'd rather read than write.

"A room without books is like a body without a soul."

Monday, December 12, 2011

Looking for the Good

3 things that made me happy today??

➜ I scheduled an SUU tour for Thursday, which means I not only get to skip school, but I'm gonna get a bunch of free stuff from the school of my choice.
➜ 3 more days of school til the break. 
➜ I almost died today, no joke. So, apparently this kid Charley thinks he's gonna marry me.. but first me and Ani are gonna elope. Do you see how I could choke on the bit of sandwich in my mouth and almost die? Yeah, it almost happened.

Sorry, no inspiring words of inspiration today..

Saturday, December 10, 2011

‎"There comes a time in life when you walk away from all the drama, and the people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. So love the people who treat you right. Pray for the people who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of life. Getting up is living."

Truer words were never spoken...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Free time..

Writing scholarship essays is hard... and boring... and requires many little breaks to clear the mind :)
During one such break I saw this. 

Yeah, it's a shoe carved out of ice cream. Is that not the coolest thing ever?!
Now, if only some of Ani's art talent would rub off on me... as if!!

Okay okay, back to my essay...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Unexpected Change

Change is always happening, if nothing changes then nothing progresses. Personally, I hate change. I know I've said this before, but it's something that is deeply ingrained in me, whether for good or bad.

Preparing for any change {going to college} is hard, scary. But what about change that isn't expected?? What are you supposed to feel or do when a sort of change takes place that you knew was going to happen but not for awhile?
What I mean is, say you're planning on some big event changing your life in the next six months or so, but until then you're hoping things stay the same.. Sitting out on the bridge over the canal talking with your best friend about everything and nothing. It's moments like those that make time stand still and life suddenly become simple again.

It is, or rather, was, my hope that my life was going to stay the same until I left for college. That my last couple months before I had to shift to responsible adult mode would be filled with friends and hanging out and just talking with the one person who knows and understands me better than anyone else.
Well, life happens and there are ups and there are downs.
What happens when an inevitable change takes place sooner than expected?
I'll tell you what happens.
Everything changes.

As one chapter comes to its close, the next is just beginning.
I feel like this chapter in my life is ending too soon.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Being sick is the worst.. 

missing school
Taeta finally getting here
finishing my homework
getting a text from Chance... it was the only text I got today, but it sure made me smile :) Thanks Chancy!!

Those 3 things made my day good.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Invisible Man

I've finally finished Invisible Man. 
Out of 581 pages, I was only able to find a little wisdom. As few inspirational quotes as I found, however, I think they're pretty good ones. Quality not Quantity right :)

“Son, if you don’t become bitter, nothing can stop you from success. Remember that.”
“You’re hidden right out in the open--that is, you would be if you only realized it. They wouldn’t see you because they don’t expect you to know anything..”
Sure I had heard of it, but this was real.
“Everybody has to be trouble to somebody.”

“It’s just hard times you going through. Everybody worth his salt has his hard times, and when you git to be somebody you’ll see these here very same hard times helped you a heap.”
And yet I am what they think I am..
“And what do you care when some folks start knocking on you? It’s a sign you getting some place.”
“When things get rough it kind of helps to know you got support.” 
“I have economic security and leisure, but what is that really, when so much is wrong with the world? I mean when there is no spiritual or emotional security, and no justice?”
“Brother, but there’s nothing like isolating a man to make him think.”
But seriously, and without snobbery… Life is to be lived, not controlled.

Good Cowboy

Yesterday, as I was so diligently doing my job, I saw a book called Cowboy Country and decided to see how this book portrayed cowboys.

One of the first pages I flipped to read:

"Do the cattle all look the same to you?
Well, they're just as different as people are
when you take the care to know them.
If you've seen western movies
or watched cowboys on TV,
you might guess it's bronc riding and roping snorting steers that makes a top hand.
Well, you'd guess wrong.

Of course, any good buckaroo needs to know
how to handle a rough pony and slip a slick noose,
but it's reading cows that makes a good cowboy--
knowing what an old cow is thinking
before she knows herself. It takes years
to learn that--maybe a lifetime."

I took a pic of those pages so I could later write them down, because when I read that I immediately thought of my Dad... it fits him perfectly.

Real Steel

So I liked Footloose.
But um, Real Steel is hands down one of my favorite new releases.

Yes, I realize that this is the 2nd movie I've been to in 2 days.. it's terrible.. but you wanna know something even worse? This movie alone I ate a whole bag of popcorn by myself, and I'm not talking the tiny bag.. I'm talking the big bag {but not the bowl, that'd be just gross}

But seriously,  I think Dakota Goyo is a dang cute kid.. can't wait to see what other movies he plays in as he grows up.

And it sure doesn't hurt that Evangeline Lilly plays a part :)

Robots boxing... phones that talk to you... I wonder what the future will hold.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cut Loose

Sadly, I haven't seen the old Footloose.. but yesterday I took Bailey to see the new one for her birthday. 
If you can get past the naughtiness, it's a pretty good show.
Personally, I liked it. 
However, Step Up is still my favorite dancing show out there... aahhh, Channing :)

Ok, so I absolutely loved Julianne Hough in this show.. Yes, it's the first I've seen her, but still. She did a great job {minus the sketchiness}

I have a friend that looks almost exactly like ↑ her. In a couple of the scenes the resemblance was insane!!
I decided to steal a quote from said friend.

You can't let anything bring you is supposed to full of adventure and fun!!!!! No matter what happens... you can pick urself back up (:

A personal pet peeve?? Backwards smiley faces... we read left to right, and top to bottom, yes? When I see (: I see a downward curve with 2 eyes under it. Yeah, it bugs me. But I love the quote :)

Friday, December 2, 2011


Over the course of the day I gained some wise insight and I decided I would share... and had I not forgotten this wise insight, I would share :D

Instead, I'll share something from my AP World History class..

Hahaha :D 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Where's the Bar??

There are quotes and sayings hung up all over the high school walls. One such poster reads:

If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.

I've had a lot to think about the past couple of days and it's made me realize just how much I value my personal standards.
Of course my parents have taught me principles and standards they want me to live by, I mean, what parent hasn't? As kids, we choose which ones we agree with and the ones we don't and we live our lives from there.
But I'm talking personal standards, whether learned from parents or friends, they're ones that I believe in wholeheartedly and will stick up for no matter what the cost. 
If I didn't have my standards, then I wouldn't be me. 

Some people look at standards as holding them back or keeping them from having fun.. I say if you can't have fun while also following a few personal rules/guidelines, then how long is that 'fun' really going to last?

When you believe in something you defend and uphold it. If you don't have any limits, then what's keeping you anchored to what you believe??

All the time I hear friends say, "If I wasn't Mormon, then I'd ______."
Personally, I don't understand that at all. I know if I wasn't Mormon I'd still stick to my standards. I have no desire to lower my standards for anybody and honestly don't see the appeal in doing so. My standards keep me safe and away from many potential dangers {smoking, drinking, drugs.. you see where this is going??}

Standards are important to me and I can't see that changing anytime soon.
Not for anything or anybody.