Thursday, December 29, 2011

Fairy Tale Endings..

I just finished watching a few movies... sad isn't it? It's Christmas break and here I am working on the 3rd 1000 piece puzzle this week and watching an endless number of movies. Today was HP 7 part 2, Zombieland and the Princess and the Frog.. Odd combo I know.

But. I did learn a few things from the Frog show (and yes, I do hate that movie.. all the voodoo creepy crap, not my thing)
"Fairy tales can come true. You gotta make em happen, it all depends on you"

Put in the work and anything is possible that you set your mind on.
Yeah, things probably won't go according to plan, the unexpected will happen, but I believe that everyone gets their happily ever after.

Also, in the end how Tiana's friend, the princess, wants to marry the prince because he's a prince, but then she sees that Tiana and said Prince have fallen in love, true love (I can feel the cheesyness as I type) and all she wants is for them to be happy..

That's a true friend.
I just really loved that, because I know I've got a friend like that.

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