Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Written Word

Have you ever just needed to get away from all the drama and worries of everyday life?? Try books...

One day, I will have this.

This would also be cool... but a built in nook kinda beats a ladder.

Think about it, how much of what we read ends up maybe defining a part of who we are? Qualities we hope for, talents we may want to develop, people we would like to either meet or become. 

I have learned so much from the books I've read. With some, my testimony has grown. With others, I find qualities in the characters that inspire me to be better. One book in particular has become a traditional read, 2 From Galilee. It's the Christmas Story written in Mary's perspective, talk about thought-provoking! 

As you can probably tell, books play a huge part in my life, and it's quite unfortunate that I haven't had much time to read the things I enjoy {Have you seen my Hooked on a Book list lately?? I swear, all it does is grow... that's the problem of working in a library while also taking an AP English class}

I honestly can't imagine my life without books... I mean, Harry Potter has been in my life since I can remember!! My mom and I used to read them together before bed when I was younger, and I distinctly remember being at my dad's and getting a package in the mail. It was the 5th Harry Potter book, and from that point on I refused to put it down...  Ah, the memories :)

Don't even get me started on asking Taeta for her Work and the Glory series when she died.. haha, let's just say the entire series is proudly displayed on my bookshelf along with my other favorite series and she's good and healthy :D

All I know is that I owe so much to authors and if I had a creative/ writing gene in me, I'd totally follow that line of work.. but maybe I'd rather read than write.

"A room without books is like a body without a soul."

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