Thursday, December 1, 2011

Where's the Bar??

There are quotes and sayings hung up all over the high school walls. One such poster reads:

If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.

I've had a lot to think about the past couple of days and it's made me realize just how much I value my personal standards.
Of course my parents have taught me principles and standards they want me to live by, I mean, what parent hasn't? As kids, we choose which ones we agree with and the ones we don't and we live our lives from there.
But I'm talking personal standards, whether learned from parents or friends, they're ones that I believe in wholeheartedly and will stick up for no matter what the cost. 
If I didn't have my standards, then I wouldn't be me. 

Some people look at standards as holding them back or keeping them from having fun.. I say if you can't have fun while also following a few personal rules/guidelines, then how long is that 'fun' really going to last?

When you believe in something you defend and uphold it. If you don't have any limits, then what's keeping you anchored to what you believe??

All the time I hear friends say, "If I wasn't Mormon, then I'd ______."
Personally, I don't understand that at all. I know if I wasn't Mormon I'd still stick to my standards. I have no desire to lower my standards for anybody and honestly don't see the appeal in doing so. My standards keep me safe and away from many potential dangers {smoking, drinking, drugs.. you see where this is going??}

Standards are important to me and I can't see that changing anytime soon.
Not for anything or anybody.

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