Sunday, December 4, 2011

Invisible Man

I've finally finished Invisible Man. 
Out of 581 pages, I was only able to find a little wisdom. As few inspirational quotes as I found, however, I think they're pretty good ones. Quality not Quantity right :)

“Son, if you don’t become bitter, nothing can stop you from success. Remember that.”
“You’re hidden right out in the open--that is, you would be if you only realized it. They wouldn’t see you because they don’t expect you to know anything..”
Sure I had heard of it, but this was real.
“Everybody has to be trouble to somebody.”

“It’s just hard times you going through. Everybody worth his salt has his hard times, and when you git to be somebody you’ll see these here very same hard times helped you a heap.”
And yet I am what they think I am..
“And what do you care when some folks start knocking on you? It’s a sign you getting some place.”
“When things get rough it kind of helps to know you got support.” 
“I have economic security and leisure, but what is that really, when so much is wrong with the world? I mean when there is no spiritual or emotional security, and no justice?”
“Brother, but there’s nothing like isolating a man to make him think.”
But seriously, and without snobbery… Life is to be lived, not controlled.

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