Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tell Me How

In answer to the question 'How do you do it? How do you hold your breath for so long and climb to the top of the trees?' Ozzy, of Surviver Season 23 says this:

"... Not being afraid, not being afraid. You're at the perfect age where all the kids out there, you guys you really can do whatever you want, just figure out what it is you want to do and don't be afraid to fall down, don't be afraid to fail because you can do it, you really can."

Yeah, it's a little scatterbrained, but I love the message here.
If we set our mind on something then why shouldn't we be able to accomplish it?? Because we're afraid? Don't let fear stop you from trying! If you don't try then there's no way you can do the things you want to. Set your goals, your expectations and do it. Sometimes fear holds us back, but sometimes fear pushes us forward. 
Follow your dreams, don't let your fear or the words of others get you down, because if you set your mind to it, if you believe in yourself and have faith, then how can you not succeed??

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