Thursday, December 22, 2011

Time Flies

How many of us waste the time we're given??
How many of us think of time as a gift?
Tell me this, if you knew exactly how long you had to live, how would you use that time?

My time has gone by so fast.
Shooting on Tuesday was way fun. Seriously, who knew there was a shooting range in PG?? And I had no idea that I could come to love and miss my .22 more.. But hey, I got to shoot and that was the important part. And I guess it didn't hurt that my future husband was there :)
And I'm just going to say that noticing the quirky things in a movie makes it oh so much more enjoyable..

Back to my questions.
Time really is a gift and for the most part it's taken for granted. The only time we think of this life and the time we have is when we misuse it or see someone else lose theirs.
Regrets are a big part of that I think. Looking back and saying I should have done this. Sometimes it can eat at you, but I would say, the best thing you can do is learn from that experience and make up your mind that given another chance, you'll do what you know is right.

We're people and we all make mistakes, that's a given. But instead of wallowing in self despair, change.

"Wise men learn from their mistakes, truly wise men learn from the mistakes of others."

We are all given the gift of life and time to live, so live! Change what you can to make not only yourself, but others, better. Learn from your mistakes and regrets and live like you knew you were making a difference in someone's life, because you are. No matter what is going on in your life, I can guarantee that someone can feel the effect that you have, whether for good or bad.

You are important.
Use your time wisely.

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