Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Judgement is an important thing.
On one side a person needs judgement to make good decisions,
On the opposite... judging others is definitely not a good idea.

Perspective goes along with judgement. Hear me out.. Even if you've never experienced something, you create an idea of what it's like. An example.

Herding cows. If you've never herded cows then you would most likely imagine it to be fun, right? You get to ride a horse and chase cows and be in the open country.
The thing about perspective is it changes. Once you've had this opportunity, you know it's no more than hours on end of being in the sun with no food or water in the scorching heat.. There are some parts that are fun {listening to Brock singing and catching it on video} but that's beside the point :)

Now, back to how judging and perspective go hand in hand. 

Perspective can change at the drop of a hat. Whether it's someone's influence or gaining new knowledge.. When you judge someone all you're doing is changing how you see them. 
You get an idea in your head and it's hard to change. From then on you see what you want to see, not what could be {how you could help} or actually is. 
If you're always making judgements of others, then how can you be a good listener and friend?? I think in order to help and change people for the better it is most important to be a true friend. Give what advice you can, but don't act all self-righteous and like you know exactly what the other person is going through.
That's another thing. Even when we think we know the entire story, we don't and we need to remember that.

At any rate, the bottom line is {I'm sorry I couldn't help it. In seminary we had a sub that said those exact words at least 17 times.. It was great, a few kids were laughing by the end of the lesson}
Even if you have no inspiring words of inspiration, just listening helps. I've been on both ends of this and   I know that talking to someone who won't pass judgement is the best thing.
I mean, seriously, who wants to vent and talk to someone when you know they're just gonna judge you and the way they perceive you is going to change? 
Nobody!! That would suck and not help anything.

To add a happier note I stole this from a friend's facebook status:
Everything happens for a reason. It's pretty cool to see how life works itself out. :)

And remember: No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible.

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