Friday, November 4, 2011

Historical Drama

You can't judge me. It was late when I wrote this. And yeah, I know I stink at plays... 

It’s 1876 in the newly established gold mining town of Deadwood, a rough and tumble town in South Dakota. There are thousands of prospectors, along with outlaws and gamblers, all aiming for some quick money. At first a shanty town, Deadwood has evolved into a more permanent place of residence, with brick and wood structures. The vast majority are men, both young and old, and though some of the men have families none live in Deadwood at this time. Only a small part are women, most of which are prostitutes and help tend to the saloons and bars. Calamity Jane is a temporary resident of Deadwood, as are a few other famous faces of this time. Fred and Moses Manuel claimed the Homestake mine in April of 1876, it’s the most profitable claim in the area. 
TYREL (talking to his horse): Here at last. (Walks into the Saloon 10)
BARTENDER: I haven’t seen you before. 
TYREL (sitting at an open stool): No, I’m new to these parts.
BARTENDER: Just like everybody else, fixin’ to get rich and get out. 
TYREL: I’m lookin’ to learn how this mining business is done. Can you point me to a room and place for my horse?
BARTENDER: Hotel across the street is a good one. Best bear sign in Deadwood. As for a stable, next door should have a few open spots. 
TYREL: Do you know where I can find a man by the name o--
BARTENDER: You sure ask a heap of questions. I don’t do people. Get in too much trouble that way. (To Molly) Get this here stranger a drink, he’s all but played out. 
TYREL: Much obliged (hands over a coin and leaves).
Walking to the hotel after stabling his horse.
JACK: Well what do we have here? Looks to me like a shave tail wandered into my town.
JOHNSTON: He’s even wet behind the ears.
TYREL (stopping at the door to the hotel): I’m a lone man, not aiming for trouble…
JACK: Not lookin’ for trouble, he says. Well, that’s all you’re gonna get in Deadwood. This here is my town and I don’t like all these yellow-belly folks walking all over the place. I’m gonna put a stop to it, starting right here, right now. (Reaches for his pistol).

WILD BILL (coming out of the Saloon 10): Jack, Johnston! You boys are out of your mind drunk. Let me buy you lunch, and talk this nonsense out of you. (To Tyrel): This is a rough town young man, and you’re not going to have me around to watch your back all  the time. You’d do well to light a shuck on back where you came from.
TYREL: I fight my own battles and carry my own iron, mister. (Enters the hotel) Pardon me, miss, I --
KATE: Haven’t been here more than an hour and you’ve already got a target on your back. 
TYREL: Like I said before, miss, I can take care of myself. Look --
KATE: None of this ‘miss’ bosh, we’re both young. Call me Kate.
TYREL (smiling): Kate. I’m looking for a Dusty, Dusty Smyth.
KATE: On what business?
TYREL: I have news regarding his family.
KATE: His family? What of my family, has something happened?!
Enter Calamity Jane, upon hearing long time friend Kate cry out in surprise.
TYREL: My family? Wait, you’re Kate Smyth, which means… 
CALAMITY JANE: Who are you and how do you know the Smyth family? I swear by the… if anything happened to them.. (To Kate) your family was the only good thing I remember about my youth. Such good people..
Dusty enters, obviously in a hurry.
DUSTY: I heard there was some sort of trouble with Jack and Johnst -- (Seeing Tyrel) Who are  you?
KATE: He said he has news of the family.
TYREL: My name is Tyrel. I’ve been working for your family since you and you’re sister left your families to come try your luck at mining. Dusty, you’re wife and daughter are fine.  They moved in with your parents when you left and all has been well. Your younger twin brothers are growing up like men should. I have been teaching them to hunt, shoot and be trackers.
CALAMITY JANE: Ok, but why are you here? Couldn’t we have gotten all this from a letter?
DUSTY: Yes, I mean, it’s great to have the news first hand, but is there something else?
KATE: Are you going to stay?
TYREL (reluctantly): You’re family has decided that they don’t want to be separated from you from so great a distance. At this very moment they are preparing to move here, permanently. They want me to assist you in any way possible.
KATE: Well, that’s grand news!
DUSTY: There’s something else, isn’t there?
TYREL: Kate. A Mr. Miles White is accompanying them. He has asked for your hand in marriage, and Mr. Smyth happily gave his blessing.

What's done is done, right :)

"Acknowledge that you learn just as much, if not more, from your failures as you do from your successes" 
~ Jeffrey Benjamin

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