Thursday, November 17, 2011

Penelope Garcia

Did I ever write about that one day when Annika couldn't get her keys out of the ignition???
Best day ever :D

Sadly, this post isn't about that though.. it's more quotes.

I've already established that I'm a Criminal Minds fan, yes? Yes.
Well, yesterday's episode {Hope, season 7 ep 8} was really interesting.
It started out with Garcia {the life of the series and also my favorite person} talking to a survivor group she organized where people talk about their loss and try to work through it. 

"This is the part I always leave out. I had missed my curfew for the second time that week and when I got home it was crazy late, it was like 3 in the morning, and my parents weren't home and the phone rang and my life stopped... My parents were killed by a drunk driver when they were out looking for me and if they hadn't been out looking for me then..." 

That's when she starts talking about how time can heal even the deepest of wounds yadda yadda yadda... but not in a sappy kind of way. But seriously, how absolutely terrible would that be?!?!! Obedience. Learn it, live it.

And the end quote of the show Garcia says this:

"We are each on our own journey. Each of us are on our very own adventure; encountering all kinds of challenges, and the choices we make on that adventure will shape us as we go. Those choices will strech us and test us and push us to our limit; and our adventure will make us stronger than we ever knew we could be. There's a quote by my favorite author, Joseph Campbell, and it goes like this -- 'Find a place inside where there's joy and the joy will burn out the pain.'"

Which one says 'party of the group' and 'I always look for the positive in a job that deals with the negative'

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