Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Era: Conference Edition

This week in the challenge month is Seek Testimony.
While reading the New Era I found a lot of things that got me thinking. Things I loved and just wanted to share.

First article I read was a talk by President Monson. 
Dare to Stand Alone.
Even though standing up for what we believe is hard, we will be blessed if we do. I know I've mentioned this somewhere before, but for myself, I'm a follower in many ways... In others I'm true to who I am :)... when it comes to sticking up for something I believe in, even though I know I should and I know it's right, I have the hardest time at doing so. I like to be the background, watch from afar. I don't like being in the thick of things and that's exactly what standing up means. Getting in the middle and standing up to whoever or whatever. Here's a rhyme Pres. Monson gives that I absolutely love:

Dare to be a Mormon;
Dare to stand alone.
Dare to have a purpose firm;
Dare to make it known.

Endure, and you will be blessed. I know that's the truth. It's hard, but that's what makes the reward so much more gratifying. 

I especially loved Pres. Uchdorf's talk on God's Love.
He says
"No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you, with an infinite love... It can dress any wound, heal any hurt, and soften any sorrow."
How great is that?? 
I read that probably when I needed it the most... well, maybe not the most, but I sure needed to hear those words. Nothing gives me more comfort than knowing my Heavenly Father is there, looking out for me.

A quote from Elder Randall K. Bennett of the 70
"We cannot successfully choose both the safety of righteousness and the dangers of worldliness... Your eternal destiny will not be the result of chance but of choice."
Decisions Determine Destiny.
We are faced with choices every single day of our lives. Some are the everyday norm. Easy, straightforward, very black and white. Others however are a little more difficult. Well, I'm here to say that with God anything is possible. Ask and it shall be opened. All we have to do is pray. I know that saying it is a lot easier than actually doing it, not that praying is hard, but... Look. I know that if I'm ever in need of help I know I can go to God. He will comfort me, reassure me, help me to find the right, I just need to have faith and trust in him.

Elder W. Christopher Waddell of the 70 gave an amazing story about the Lord sending a missionary somewhere for a reason. The kid thought it was weird to be sent to this specific place, but He did it for a purpose. From this story I saw that everything that happens, happens for a reason. Whether it was to make somebody happy or plant a seed in another person's heart, when we follow that still small voice, even if it seems completely odd and unconventional, they are to benefit someone. We need to listen to the voice and know that He is in control. Everything that happens is part of the bigger picture.

Elder Quentin L Cook said,
"The refiner's fire is real, and qualities of character and righteousness that are forged in the furnace of affliction perfect us and purify us to meet God."
Simply put: trial is good. It teaches us, develops our character, and shows us how strong we really are in our times of need. Through the refiner's fire we are made stronger. Hard to go through at the time, it will be beneficial to us in the future. You've heard how we are not tempted above that we are able ( 1 Cor. 10-ish, maybe 13...) And also that you wouldn't trade any of your trials for anyone else's? So completely true. I wouldn't trade any of the adversity I'm faced with for anything. I've learned a lot, about myself and how to become a better person. I take so much away from the things I go through, I'd almost say I value them... but that would imply a sense of.. endearment?? Definitely not. I hate them while they're happening, but after I realize the lessons I've learned and all the things I've gained from such an experience.

I'm going to tack on a Criminal Minds quote... even though the show may not be the best, there is always a quote in the beginning and at the end that has something to do with the episode. This most recent one I found most applicable.
"Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we truly are." ~Arthur Golden
Now, think about this one for a minute.. When something hard is going on, that's when we find out what we're made of. I like this because I know that with the Lord's help I will get through anything that comes my way, no matter how strong the wind is blowing, He will help me find my way through.

It's simple really :D

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