Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Act of Giving Thanks

There are 3 steps.
1) Open your eyes
2) Open your heart
3) Open your arms

Look around and appreciate the beauty that's surrounding you. The things you see when you actually look, it's amazing, it really is.
Express your gratitude and love to the people that are important to you - How else will they know you care?

Last year in seminary we were asked to write down all the things we were grateful for on a piece of paper. I had a ton of fun with that little assignment, in fact, I believe I still have my list :) 
Today I was given not one, but two gratitude journals!
{Are they trying to tell me something?}
No matter. I love not only the idea of recording everything I'm thankful for, but as I do this I realize how much I actually have. I begin to understand and it makes life oh so much more enjoyable. The ordinary day turns extraordinary with each passing moment. Everything has more meaning than what's simply on the surface.

Being thankful, it can turn everything around.
I know this from experience.
Truly, I do.

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