Friday, November 11, 2011


Wow. I had a pretty great day.

~ Annika couldn't get her keys out of the ignition this morning and she called me over to help her. {She got a new car... It's a stick shift.. Need I say more :) } Anyway, after about fifteen minutes of chillin' in the car the cop showed up to help us out. Apparently there's a button you push... Haha, totally made my day, no, my week!!

~ It's the 11th, which means free drinks at Hart's.. Problem with that is if you wait til lunch there's a gigantic line and the drinks go flat. My solution? Go during 3rd period :D
I was about to ask when I heard a guy in my class talking to Mrs. Stanton, 
"Mrs. Stanton, today's free drink day.. Can I go get a drink and not be marked tardy?"
"I can't give you permission to leave, but say, if you had to go to your locker..."
"What? I don't have to go to my locker... I mean, umm... can I go to my locker?"
"Hahaha, go ahead."

She was still laughing to herself when I went up to her and asked,
"Hey Mrs. Stanton... so.. can I run down to my locker?"
Laughing even more now, she nodded and I booked it to my car.
Honestly, I don't even know where my locker is or what my combo is. And Mrs. Stanton knew exactly where I was going.
In 15 minutes I was back with a Diet Coke Lime for me and a Diet Coke for Mrs. Stanton.
To top it off, I missed absolutely nothing while I was gone and we ended up watching a Psych episode with freshly popped popcorn.

This was my lunch.. Well, I had 2 helpings of popcorn.. but same difference. 
What say ye about my eating habits? 
Haha :D

~ Me and Bailey ate at Sammy's and listened to Caleb Blood play.. Apparently he's a 2 man band, him on the piano and singing while another guy is on the guitar. I couldn't understand half the words, but I enjoyed listening.

~ I'm watching HP 3 totally laughing at how young the actors are. Don't get me wrong, I love 'em, it's just funny to see them so little.
"When in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin." - Dumbledore

~ Bailey (my sister) and I stopped at Bailey's (Ba's friend) bday party. We gave her her gift and stuck around for a bit. I didn't plan on even going in but Bailey came out and told me they had Diet Coke in the fancy bottles. I honestly didn't plan on getting more Coke, not after free drink day, but the fancy bottle thing did it for me.

What can I say, I'm a sucker for the little things in life :D

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