Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lesson Learned

In Young Women's today we had a great lesson... not that I was paying complete attention. I said it yesterday and I'll say it again, I'm shocked and confused and terrified. Well, a little less shocked and more confused now that I've had a day to think on it.

Anyway. Sis. Wilson taught us about sin being a burden we're carrying around with us until we repent and forgive ourselves. Something to know about Sis. Wilson, she loves handouts. It's quite fun. 
We got one that said this:

D&C 58:42 Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is 
forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.
Don't carry around the 
heavy burden of sin...
"What good does it do for God to blot out our evil
from his mind if we continue to let it dominate our
thinking by rerunning it on our own?"
-Sterling W. Sill

Think about that for a minute.. and I'm going to tell a story :)
A little background first.

Sis Wilson asked if any of us had examples of doing something we knew was wrong when we were younger.. Something that we still remembered. I kid you not, within a few minutes it had turned into a sort of confessional.. It was great. I loved it :D
Unfortunately I had nothing to chip in. I couldn't think of a single example of some sin I had done when I was little that I still held on to.. Eventually I did think of a time, but I didn't share...
Well, now it's sharing time :)

I was 5 maybe 6, I don't remember exactly. It was a nice Sunday afternoon and I asked Mom if I could ride my bike. She told me no, it was Sunday. I didn't listen. Obviously, or there would be no story. I grabbed my Luny Tunes bike and rode down the driveway. I had barely reached the sidewalk when BANG!
I swear a gunshot went off. But no, my tire popped.
I kid you not, I have never ridden my bike on Sunday since then. Never. 
Brock will tell you :) He's tried to get me to go down to the basement and ride his Ripstick on Sunday. I can proudly say that never have I given in. 
I admit, I've played night games on Sunday once... but only once!
I've learned my lesson :D

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