Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Judgement is an important thing.
On one side a person needs judgement to make good decisions,
On the opposite... judging others is definitely not a good idea.

Perspective goes along with judgement. Hear me out.. Even if you've never experienced something, you create an idea of what it's like. An example.

Herding cows. If you've never herded cows then you would most likely imagine it to be fun, right? You get to ride a horse and chase cows and be in the open country.
The thing about perspective is it changes. Once you've had this opportunity, you know it's no more than hours on end of being in the sun with no food or water in the scorching heat.. There are some parts that are fun {listening to Brock singing and catching it on video} but that's beside the point :)

Now, back to how judging and perspective go hand in hand. 

Perspective can change at the drop of a hat. Whether it's someone's influence or gaining new knowledge.. When you judge someone all you're doing is changing how you see them. 
You get an idea in your head and it's hard to change. From then on you see what you want to see, not what could be {how you could help} or actually is. 
If you're always making judgements of others, then how can you be a good listener and friend?? I think in order to help and change people for the better it is most important to be a true friend. Give what advice you can, but don't act all self-righteous and like you know exactly what the other person is going through.
That's another thing. Even when we think we know the entire story, we don't and we need to remember that.

At any rate, the bottom line is {I'm sorry I couldn't help it. In seminary we had a sub that said those exact words at least 17 times.. It was great, a few kids were laughing by the end of the lesson}
Even if you have no inspiring words of inspiration, just listening helps. I've been on both ends of this and   I know that talking to someone who won't pass judgement is the best thing.
I mean, seriously, who wants to vent and talk to someone when you know they're just gonna judge you and the way they perceive you is going to change? 
Nobody!! That would suck and not help anything.

To add a happier note I stole this from a friend's facebook status:
Everything happens for a reason. It's pretty cool to see how life works itself out. :)

And remember: No matter how dark the moment, love and hope are always possible.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Going Soft

I love my horse. 
This weekend, as I mentioned before, I got to spend some time with Cola. {I figure she's too sweet to be stuck with such a hard name as Tequila}

Unfortunately I forgot my camera and had to take pictures with my phone... But I did manage one good shot.
A little comparison first:
Remember this one from a few months ago?

Well, she's a lot fuzzier and even though she still has some grayish/bluish, she's definitely going more brown. Notice her markings? I love how the white stripe is smudged, it's unique :)
Now I might be a bit prejudiced, but I believe Cola to be the best little horse a person could have and I think she's gonna turn out to be one fine mare someday... I just hope she remembers me in the spring.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hmm, Quality Time With the Horse or Brother..?? Hard Choice.

Thanksgiving is a great time of the year. Do I really need to expound on that?? There's food and family -- it's perfect!

Today I saw Cola... or Tequelia, or any other alcoholic beverage we haven't used yet, I haven't decided on the name for sure... Dad had me help train her to lead.
At first it was just sad. We were pulling on a rope which was tied around her neck and any time Dad could get close enough he'd loosen the rope, rewarding her. It was sad. But, whereas we couldn't walk up and touch her, now we can do that and stick a halter on her.

Oh. And another thing. I just finished spending some quality time with little Tell.. Who knew tossing a stuffed animal back and forth could be so entertaining :) 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Gimme A Break!

Once again an interesting Stats class on Tuesday...
"Ruining one's life by choice. That's liberty."
I just thought that was kind of insightful, I mean, that's like spot on! People want freedom but end up wasting it or misusing it.

Thanksgiving Break,
You couldn't have come at a better time. I need to relax and not think about school for a few days. Also, if you could be longer that'd be just great :D

A new game called Penalties.
Everybody does a challange, loser must also do the penalty, decided upon before the challange.
Dear Aunt Courtney... I never call her aunt, so that was kind of odd... lost one of the challanges. We made her take off one shoe, roll up her pantleg and go over to the neighbor's and ask, "Have you seen my shoe?" Yeah.. it's almost 10 and apparently a little girl answered the door. Coutney said she looked scared beyond belief.
:D Best moment of the night :D

Not so best moment of the night: a story of a horse in a horse trailer when the bottom of the trailer gave out... on the freeway...
Yeah. Absolutely terrible!!! :(

Later, after we got to Dad's, Dad wanted me to drive into town with him to pick up a truck then follow him back. Had I known he drove like this, I may have been more hesitant...

And yes, this is me following him. We're driving in the same direction.. Now, you tell me which is more dangerous driving on the wrong side of the road or taking pictures with your cell phone while driving on the right side of the road. I think it's quite obvious, what about you?? 
Our parents are our best examples :)
But seriously. Now do you see why I am the way I am??
I'm kidding. Dad, I love you. :D

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I'm thankful for first time high school substitutes who let me go home when there's nothing to do in class.. even though getting fired was a possibility.
I must be trustworthy or something :D

I'm thankful for my friends. Especially this one:
"Thank you for texting me- talking to you has helped more than any of my other friends and it's really cheered me up. Thanks! Have a great night, night shelby :)"
Even though we haven't talked in a while, I feel like you're one of my better friends. And I'm glad I could help :D

I'm also grateful for my best friend... even if she sometimes kills me :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Act of Giving Thanks

There are 3 steps.
1) Open your eyes
2) Open your heart
3) Open your arms

Look around and appreciate the beauty that's surrounding you. The things you see when you actually look, it's amazing, it really is.
Express your gratitude and love to the people that are important to you - How else will they know you care?

Last year in seminary we were asked to write down all the things we were grateful for on a piece of paper. I had a ton of fun with that little assignment, in fact, I believe I still have my list :) 
Today I was given not one, but two gratitude journals!
{Are they trying to tell me something?}
No matter. I love not only the idea of recording everything I'm thankful for, but as I do this I realize how much I actually have. I begin to understand and it makes life oh so much more enjoyable. The ordinary day turns extraordinary with each passing moment. Everything has more meaning than what's simply on the surface.

Being thankful, it can turn everything around.
I know this from experience.
Truly, I do.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I ♥ Books

I've decided I want to live in a bookstore.
It's quite simple really.
See, I either work at/own one or I dedicate a room and maybe a couple of walls to some precious books...
I think I would feel most accomplished with the 2nd option, but the first would also have its perks - discounts being a big one :D 
I could always work to achieve both :)
This is my plan as of now.

Oh. And I need to find a tennis ball and put a hole in it...
Apparently it can unlock your car.
I'm going to test this out.
Invisible Man...If only the book was invisible.

It's Friday, Friday :D

Well, it was Friday when I started writing this :D

First off, I had Stats today... that in itself makes it a good day.
Between Nicole, Beth and Chelsea, well.. need I say more :)

Seussical was fantastic!
Annika picked me up in her 'wildebeest' and we saw the show then hung out at the school for a bit with some of the cast. By the time we headed out to the car it was snowing and
OH MY CRAP was it snowing!!!
Huge balls of fluffy whiteness were falling from the sky by the billions and billions and bajillions. It was amazing.
I wish I had had my camera and gotten some pictures it was just that.. beautiful...
until I found out that Annika's windshield wipers didn't work :)
Instead of walking up to the car we came upon a mound of snow, there was a complete layer covering the car! After a few minutes the windows were clear.. well semi clear :) After driving less than 1000 feet we had to pull over and re-wipe the windshield. 
What's sad? We stopped again not a half mile later and Annika had me get out and clean the windows again! You see, to keep the car on she had to stay in the driver's seat, but to see the windows had to be wiped free of the nice, fluffy balls of happiness that were completely obscuring our vision.
I'm not complaining, I promise. Tonight has been, hands down, one of the best weekends I've had in a long time :D

Oh, and it doesn't hurt that I'm watching Extreme Animal Phobias... As terrible as it is, I take much enjoyment from watching the people conquer their fears.. as long as it involves some crying and much irrational thought :D

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Penelope Garcia

Did I ever write about that one day when Annika couldn't get her keys out of the ignition???
Best day ever :D

Sadly, this post isn't about that though.. it's more quotes.

I've already established that I'm a Criminal Minds fan, yes? Yes.
Well, yesterday's episode {Hope, season 7 ep 8} was really interesting.
It started out with Garcia {the life of the series and also my favorite person} talking to a survivor group she organized where people talk about their loss and try to work through it. 

"This is the part I always leave out. I had missed my curfew for the second time that week and when I got home it was crazy late, it was like 3 in the morning, and my parents weren't home and the phone rang and my life stopped... My parents were killed by a drunk driver when they were out looking for me and if they hadn't been out looking for me then..." 

That's when she starts talking about how time can heal even the deepest of wounds yadda yadda yadda... but not in a sappy kind of way. But seriously, how absolutely terrible would that be?!?!! Obedience. Learn it, live it.

And the end quote of the show Garcia says this:

"We are each on our own journey. Each of us are on our very own adventure; encountering all kinds of challenges, and the choices we make on that adventure will shape us as we go. Those choices will strech us and test us and push us to our limit; and our adventure will make us stronger than we ever knew we could be. There's a quote by my favorite author, Joseph Campbell, and it goes like this -- 'Find a place inside where there's joy and the joy will burn out the pain.'"

Which one says 'party of the group' and 'I always look for the positive in a job that deals with the negative'

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bee Your Own Kind Of Beautiful

I did it!

The top left is the Young Women's Medallion
The middle is the Honor Bee, which you get after 40 hours of service... yes, I did it :D
The temple one on the right (Choose The Right!) is for completing Personal Progress, which I also did :D

Guardians of Virtue

I really like this song.. 

And I wanna say thank you to Sis. Condor for just being awesome and always supporting me. It means a  lot :D

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Final Answer?

I have made my decision.

After much thought and advice... 
I have decided that even with the scholarship, SUU is too expensive and I don't want to move 4 hours away my first year.. I'm going to apply to UVU instead.

That's crap.
It even felt wrong writing it.

Ohh noo. It's Southern Utah University all the way :D
I haven't officially accepted the scholarship offer yet, but I plan to by the end of the week. I figure hey, if they're willing to hand me an in and I feel like it's the way I'm supposed to be going in my life, then how can I not take it??

Monday, November 14, 2011

Games of Hunger

If you haven't seen this, then you should check it out...
I'm pretty psyched :D

March 23rd, you can't come fast enough!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lesson Learned

In Young Women's today we had a great lesson... not that I was paying complete attention. I said it yesterday and I'll say it again, I'm shocked and confused and terrified. Well, a little less shocked and more confused now that I've had a day to think on it.

Anyway. Sis. Wilson taught us about sin being a burden we're carrying around with us until we repent and forgive ourselves. Something to know about Sis. Wilson, she loves handouts. It's quite fun. 
We got one that said this:

D&C 58:42 Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is 
forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.
Don't carry around the 
heavy burden of sin...
"What good does it do for God to blot out our evil
from his mind if we continue to let it dominate our
thinking by rerunning it on our own?"
-Sterling W. Sill

Think about that for a minute.. and I'm going to tell a story :)
A little background first.

Sis Wilson asked if any of us had examples of doing something we knew was wrong when we were younger.. Something that we still remembered. I kid you not, within a few minutes it had turned into a sort of confessional.. It was great. I loved it :D
Unfortunately I had nothing to chip in. I couldn't think of a single example of some sin I had done when I was little that I still held on to.. Eventually I did think of a time, but I didn't share...
Well, now it's sharing time :)

I was 5 maybe 6, I don't remember exactly. It was a nice Sunday afternoon and I asked Mom if I could ride my bike. She told me no, it was Sunday. I didn't listen. Obviously, or there would be no story. I grabbed my Luny Tunes bike and rode down the driveway. I had barely reached the sidewalk when BANG!
I swear a gunshot went off. But no, my tire popped.
I kid you not, I have never ridden my bike on Sunday since then. Never. 
Brock will tell you :) He's tried to get me to go down to the basement and ride his Ripstick on Sunday. I can proudly say that never have I given in. 
I admit, I've played night games on Sunday once... but only once!
I've learned my lesson :D

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Good Turned Great

That's an understatement, the title I mean. 

So, my day started out pretty good...
I got to sleep in, always a plus. 
I finally cleaned my room, it was driving me absolutely insane.
I went to the AF Pool to watch the swim meet but instead found a couple Lincoln friends. We had a grand old catching up session. It was great.
Umm.. Oh, so a week ago I bought some heels. I know, very un-Shelby-ish of me. I think I wanted to try something new. Yeah, that was a fail. They didn't fit very well. So today I returned them and got some smaller ones AND they gave me $9 for the switch. That made me pretty happy :D

So that's what made my day good.
What turned it into great?

I honestly don't know what to feel right now.
Freaked Out

Friday, November 11, 2011


Wow. I had a pretty great day.

~ Annika couldn't get her keys out of the ignition this morning and she called me over to help her. {She got a new car... It's a stick shift.. Need I say more :) } Anyway, after about fifteen minutes of chillin' in the car the cop showed up to help us out. Apparently there's a button you push... Haha, totally made my day, no, my week!!

~ It's the 11th, which means free drinks at Hart's.. Problem with that is if you wait til lunch there's a gigantic line and the drinks go flat. My solution? Go during 3rd period :D
I was about to ask when I heard a guy in my class talking to Mrs. Stanton, 
"Mrs. Stanton, today's free drink day.. Can I go get a drink and not be marked tardy?"
"I can't give you permission to leave, but say, if you had to go to your locker..."
"What? I don't have to go to my locker... I mean, umm... can I go to my locker?"
"Hahaha, go ahead."

She was still laughing to herself when I went up to her and asked,
"Hey Mrs. Stanton... so.. can I run down to my locker?"
Laughing even more now, she nodded and I booked it to my car.
Honestly, I don't even know where my locker is or what my combo is. And Mrs. Stanton knew exactly where I was going.
In 15 minutes I was back with a Diet Coke Lime for me and a Diet Coke for Mrs. Stanton.
To top it off, I missed absolutely nothing while I was gone and we ended up watching a Psych episode with freshly popped popcorn.

This was my lunch.. Well, I had 2 helpings of popcorn.. but same difference. 
What say ye about my eating habits? 
Haha :D

~ Me and Bailey ate at Sammy's and listened to Caleb Blood play.. Apparently he's a 2 man band, him on the piano and singing while another guy is on the guitar. I couldn't understand half the words, but I enjoyed listening.

~ I'm watching HP 3 totally laughing at how young the actors are. Don't get me wrong, I love 'em, it's just funny to see them so little.
"When in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin." - Dumbledore

~ Bailey (my sister) and I stopped at Bailey's (Ba's friend) bday party. We gave her her gift and stuck around for a bit. I didn't plan on even going in but Bailey came out and told me they had Diet Coke in the fancy bottles. I honestly didn't plan on getting more Coke, not after free drink day, but the fancy bottle thing did it for me.

What can I say, I'm a sucker for the little things in life :D

Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Era: Conference Edition

This week in the challenge month is Seek Testimony.
While reading the New Era I found a lot of things that got me thinking. Things I loved and just wanted to share.

First article I read was a talk by President Monson. 
Dare to Stand Alone.
Even though standing up for what we believe is hard, we will be blessed if we do. I know I've mentioned this somewhere before, but for myself, I'm a follower in many ways... In others I'm true to who I am :)... when it comes to sticking up for something I believe in, even though I know I should and I know it's right, I have the hardest time at doing so. I like to be the background, watch from afar. I don't like being in the thick of things and that's exactly what standing up means. Getting in the middle and standing up to whoever or whatever. Here's a rhyme Pres. Monson gives that I absolutely love:

Dare to be a Mormon;
Dare to stand alone.
Dare to have a purpose firm;
Dare to make it known.

Endure, and you will be blessed. I know that's the truth. It's hard, but that's what makes the reward so much more gratifying. 

I especially loved Pres. Uchdorf's talk on God's Love.
He says
"No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you, with an infinite love... It can dress any wound, heal any hurt, and soften any sorrow."
How great is that?? 
I read that probably when I needed it the most... well, maybe not the most, but I sure needed to hear those words. Nothing gives me more comfort than knowing my Heavenly Father is there, looking out for me.

A quote from Elder Randall K. Bennett of the 70
"We cannot successfully choose both the safety of righteousness and the dangers of worldliness... Your eternal destiny will not be the result of chance but of choice."
Decisions Determine Destiny.
We are faced with choices every single day of our lives. Some are the everyday norm. Easy, straightforward, very black and white. Others however are a little more difficult. Well, I'm here to say that with God anything is possible. Ask and it shall be opened. All we have to do is pray. I know that saying it is a lot easier than actually doing it, not that praying is hard, but... Look. I know that if I'm ever in need of help I know I can go to God. He will comfort me, reassure me, help me to find the right, I just need to have faith and trust in him.

Elder W. Christopher Waddell of the 70 gave an amazing story about the Lord sending a missionary somewhere for a reason. The kid thought it was weird to be sent to this specific place, but He did it for a purpose. From this story I saw that everything that happens, happens for a reason. Whether it was to make somebody happy or plant a seed in another person's heart, when we follow that still small voice, even if it seems completely odd and unconventional, they are to benefit someone. We need to listen to the voice and know that He is in control. Everything that happens is part of the bigger picture.

Elder Quentin L Cook said,
"The refiner's fire is real, and qualities of character and righteousness that are forged in the furnace of affliction perfect us and purify us to meet God."
Simply put: trial is good. It teaches us, develops our character, and shows us how strong we really are in our times of need. Through the refiner's fire we are made stronger. Hard to go through at the time, it will be beneficial to us in the future. You've heard how we are not tempted above that we are able ( 1 Cor. 10-ish, maybe 13...) And also that you wouldn't trade any of your trials for anyone else's? So completely true. I wouldn't trade any of the adversity I'm faced with for anything. I've learned a lot, about myself and how to become a better person. I take so much away from the things I go through, I'd almost say I value them... but that would imply a sense of.. endearment?? Definitely not. I hate them while they're happening, but after I realize the lessons I've learned and all the things I've gained from such an experience.

I'm going to tack on a Criminal Minds quote... even though the show may not be the best, there is always a quote in the beginning and at the end that has something to do with the episode. This most recent one I found most applicable.
"Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we truly are." ~Arthur Golden
Now, think about this one for a minute.. When something hard is going on, that's when we find out what we're made of. I like this because I know that with the Lord's help I will get through anything that comes my way, no matter how strong the wind is blowing, He will help me find my way through.

It's simple really :D

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sometimes life throws you trials and there's nothing you can do but move forward and know that God is in control.

I know that.
And because I know that, I can feel peace in a time of chaos.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


~ Mrs. Stanton gave me one of her Diet Cokes, and she loves her d.c. so that's sure saying something :D

I've always been told that me and my dad are a lot alike, but who knew this even applied to caffeine :)

~ I applied for a couple scholarships today. I'm starting, which is the main point.
Oh, and I got accepted into SUU... did I mention that before? Yeah, now to find out if I got any scholarships
~ Stats was delightful today...
~ I just read the New Era almost cover to cover. I want to write about it, but I'm kinda tired and have a busy day tomorrow. I'll be sure to dedicate a post to my findings either tomorrow or the next day.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Night Out

~ I talked to my dad on the phone today.. it was great. I made him read my play and tell me how he liked it. He said I could be a western writer... I thought he was smoking something.
~ I started a project that I've been meaning to start for weeks, like, since the middle of October.
~ Watching Bailey and Kylee flirt with the cashier guys at Arctic Circle, and Amber and Courtney... well, be sisters :D It was quite enjoyable.

Boredom = going to thru the drive-thru again 10 minutes later and having Bailey and Kylee in the front seats.

After waving her hands and accidently honking, we got the guy's attention.
Bailey: We got home and realized we forgot to get waters...
...think it through :D...
Cashier kid: Umm.. okay. How many can I get you?
Bailey: One.

The kid walks away then comes back a minute later
Kid: How many was that?
Bailey: Just one, please... oh, and can we get 4 straws??

I understand that this may not be funny... but trust me, it was. We were all dying of laughter. It was great. Not to mention having to chase the car for a block because they thought it would be funny to leave me and Amber while we did a Chinese firedrill.

But don't even get me started on the cashier at Walmart.. {Oh my crap! The walmart was green!! What the heck, right? I've never in my life seen a green walmart!!} So this guy, in his late-ish 20's maybe, I'm not really sure, I'm terrible when it comes to ages, anyway, this guy has blue earrings that are pointy at the back, they reminded me of golf tee's, and a tattoo on the inside of his right arm. Amber and Courtney are paying for whatever they needed, sour cream I think it was, and Bailey gets into a conversation with this guy.

Ba: Are those gages? Do they hurt?
Dude: Yeah. Um, no. I got them a couple days ago.
Ba: So what size are they?
{Ok, seriously???? Who knows that gages have sizes?!?}
Dude: They're a 6.
Ba: Oh, nice. So are you going to get bigger ones?
Dude: Yeah, I want to get to a 0 next time, maybe in a few weeks.
Ba: So, why did you get them?
Dude: Same reason I got my tattoo, because I like it.
Ba: What does your tattoo say?
Dude pulls up his sleeve and holds his arm out. It was some lyrics to a song. Good ones, but I don't remember what.

Well, now that I've given the whole play by play of my night I'm going to bed... Happy Sunday :D

Friday, November 4, 2011

Historical Drama

You can't judge me. It was late when I wrote this. And yeah, I know I stink at plays... 

It’s 1876 in the newly established gold mining town of Deadwood, a rough and tumble town in South Dakota. There are thousands of prospectors, along with outlaws and gamblers, all aiming for some quick money. At first a shanty town, Deadwood has evolved into a more permanent place of residence, with brick and wood structures. The vast majority are men, both young and old, and though some of the men have families none live in Deadwood at this time. Only a small part are women, most of which are prostitutes and help tend to the saloons and bars. Calamity Jane is a temporary resident of Deadwood, as are a few other famous faces of this time. Fred and Moses Manuel claimed the Homestake mine in April of 1876, it’s the most profitable claim in the area. 
TYREL (talking to his horse): Here at last. (Walks into the Saloon 10)
BARTENDER: I haven’t seen you before. 
TYREL (sitting at an open stool): No, I’m new to these parts.
BARTENDER: Just like everybody else, fixin’ to get rich and get out. 
TYREL: I’m lookin’ to learn how this mining business is done. Can you point me to a room and place for my horse?
BARTENDER: Hotel across the street is a good one. Best bear sign in Deadwood. As for a stable, next door should have a few open spots. 
TYREL: Do you know where I can find a man by the name o--
BARTENDER: You sure ask a heap of questions. I don’t do people. Get in too much trouble that way. (To Molly) Get this here stranger a drink, he’s all but played out. 
TYREL: Much obliged (hands over a coin and leaves).
Walking to the hotel after stabling his horse.
JACK: Well what do we have here? Looks to me like a shave tail wandered into my town.
JOHNSTON: He’s even wet behind the ears.
TYREL (stopping at the door to the hotel): I’m a lone man, not aiming for trouble…
JACK: Not lookin’ for trouble, he says. Well, that’s all you’re gonna get in Deadwood. This here is my town and I don’t like all these yellow-belly folks walking all over the place. I’m gonna put a stop to it, starting right here, right now. (Reaches for his pistol).

WILD BILL (coming out of the Saloon 10): Jack, Johnston! You boys are out of your mind drunk. Let me buy you lunch, and talk this nonsense out of you. (To Tyrel): This is a rough town young man, and you’re not going to have me around to watch your back all  the time. You’d do well to light a shuck on back where you came from.
TYREL: I fight my own battles and carry my own iron, mister. (Enters the hotel) Pardon me, miss, I --
KATE: Haven’t been here more than an hour and you’ve already got a target on your back. 
TYREL: Like I said before, miss, I can take care of myself. Look --
KATE: None of this ‘miss’ bosh, we’re both young. Call me Kate.
TYREL (smiling): Kate. I’m looking for a Dusty, Dusty Smyth.
KATE: On what business?
TYREL: I have news regarding his family.
KATE: His family? What of my family, has something happened?!
Enter Calamity Jane, upon hearing long time friend Kate cry out in surprise.
TYREL: My family? Wait, you’re Kate Smyth, which means… 
CALAMITY JANE: Who are you and how do you know the Smyth family? I swear by the… if anything happened to them.. (To Kate) your family was the only good thing I remember about my youth. Such good people..
Dusty enters, obviously in a hurry.
DUSTY: I heard there was some sort of trouble with Jack and Johnst -- (Seeing Tyrel) Who are  you?
KATE: He said he has news of the family.
TYREL: My name is Tyrel. I’ve been working for your family since you and you’re sister left your families to come try your luck at mining. Dusty, you’re wife and daughter are fine.  They moved in with your parents when you left and all has been well. Your younger twin brothers are growing up like men should. I have been teaching them to hunt, shoot and be trackers.
CALAMITY JANE: Ok, but why are you here? Couldn’t we have gotten all this from a letter?
DUSTY: Yes, I mean, it’s great to have the news first hand, but is there something else?
KATE: Are you going to stay?
TYREL (reluctantly): You’re family has decided that they don’t want to be separated from you from so great a distance. At this very moment they are preparing to move here, permanently. They want me to assist you in any way possible.
KATE: Well, that’s grand news!
DUSTY: There’s something else, isn’t there?
TYREL: Kate. A Mr. Miles White is accompanying them. He has asked for your hand in marriage, and Mr. Smyth happily gave his blessing.

What's done is done, right :)

"Acknowledge that you learn just as much, if not more, from your failures as you do from your successes" 
~ Jeffrey Benjamin

Historical Drama I Hate You...

I don't know what's worse
spending 11 hours writing a 2 1/2 page play
going to bed at 4 a.m. ... yes, I started at 5 and ended at 4. 
or drinking 28 oz of Diet Coke with Lime to stay awake while writing the play

Hmm.. they all sound bad. 
And trust me, I'm still feeling the effects.
Well, not of the coke, I had another 8 oz can of that after school so I would be awake later
but of only getting 2 hours of sleep, having 6 hours of school followed by 3 hours of work..

As for my happy list
~ I finished my stinkin' play and people actually liked it.
~ Stats was the best class today, I don't know what my problem was (oh wait, yes I do. I am extremely sleep deprived) but I was laughing at everything. And I mean, everything. Here's a few examples:

A couple wants to have a boy, but they're only willing to have 3 kids. What are the chances of them having a boy?   0 = boy   1 = girl   3 = # of kids

randInt (0,1,3)               

The dear couple ended up with 3 girls... twice.
I kid you not, I was crying I was laughing so hard when this came up on the calculator Nicolle and me were sharing. I was on one today.

Our little group asked Mr. Larson to explain a problem for us, he does so and the answer clicks..
Larson: "But see, those guys are smart, they figured it out."
Me: "I figured out part of it... but seriously, you see who I'm put with?"

Needless to say, I was being sarcastic and I didn't mean it, unfortunately Beth and Nicolle still shunned me.
It was the greatest part of the day, hands down :D

~ I survived the day

I'm going to post the play I wrote and a quote I saw next so go check it out!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Said Simply? A Great Day.

Today was a great day. I can't think of anything bad... wait, yes I can.
My 'Happiness' list is going to exceed the usual limit by, oh, a lot:

☛ Rolling down the 'hills' in the hallway at school in a trash can
☛ Eating lunch at Purple Turtle with some friends
☛ Taking pictures
☛ Talking all my problems away
☛ Going to the swim meet and cheering for my friends
☛ Meeting new people at said swim meet
☛ Being able to talk to one of my really good friends who I haven't talked to in awhile
☛ Taking Maddie and Annika home from swim 
☛ Knowing I was able to give some really good advice 
☛ Realizing I have absolutely no homework due tomorrow
although I have a butt-load due Friday :(

My one bad thing, besides before mentioned homework?
I have to wear a nice, formal dress in 2 weeks for mutual and there's no way I can get out of it. Trust me, I tried.
You wanna know the saddest part?
I haven't worn a legit dress since I got baptized when I was 8.
Yeah, true story.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What the Deuce!!

You know those days where you just have to vent?? This has definitely been one of them...
but, as much as I want to, I can't write it out. Not on here anyway.
Trust me, though, I want to.

I don't know if it's because I've been fighting a cold or because I'm stressed about school or what. All I know is I'm being driven insane by... This is where I'd better stop.

Yesterday's 3 happy things...
~It was early out Monday
~I finished a book
~I got all my homework done

Today's 3 happy things... this may take awhile..
~ I came home for lunch and instead of going
 back to school had a 2 1/2 hour nap.
~This little kid came over and helped
 me move a shelving cart at work
~I had a really good lesson in seminary 
about anger and resisting temptation..

My little power nap easily makes best part of the day... for today and yesterday.