Tuesday, July 19, 2011

4 orders of revenge coming right up!!

So, I had the fullest intention of writing about a phrase I heard on the radio.

Holding on to who I am.
Driving home from church on Sunday this random song was on and, even though I wasn't paying any attention to the words, these ones jumped out at me. 
To this, I only had one thought.
Why hold on to who you are? If you do that you can never excel, never progress from who you are now.
In my list of quotes I have a few that apply.

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
It's not what you have, but what you do with what you have.

I had the best of intentions of expounding on this thought, I did. But as I was getting settled on my bed with my laptop there was a sudden banging on my window.
Please keep in mind it's after 10 at night, so I'll say again, some creeper was banging on my window!!! I froze then ran upstairs once they did it again. I was honestly scared, not the scaredest I've ever been, but pretty close :)
I ran up to my mom to see if she had any idea of who it was. 
She didn't.
We checked out the front window... and guess what I saw :)
Kinsey's car...
Oh, don't worry. She's gonna get it, but it gets better :D
Since Kinsey was here that meant Bre had to be too, along with some of my other so called friends :) I was fairly confident (99% sure) that I knew who was out there, so I ran out the front door... quietly. I was going to jump the small part of my fence, but just as I was about to I heard them coming.. It was pretty easy actually, what with all their laughing and loud running :D
Kinsey opened the gate and I jumped out... they all screamed and ran into the light from the culdesac's lamppost. It was then that I identified the culprits... namely

Bre and

I was so right :)

Now that they've made it completely impossible for me to fall asleep tonight, which stinks because I work at 9 in the morning, I will be thinking of all the many ways to get them back. It shouldn't be too hard, especially since I already have 3 of them pegged as far as fears go :D
Yes, you 4 should be VERY worried..

Hahaha... isn't revenge just marvelous :D


  1. we're not that scary.. hahaa

  2. Normally, no you're not :D but at night, when I'm relaxed and thinking of peace and quiet and sleep, when I have no thoughts for what my insane, hooligans of friends are doing... yes. You guys are terribly scary :D
