Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What is the world coming to??

Sunday night I watched a new movie on abcfamily called Cyberbu//y..
All I have to say is wow.
I'll be honest though, at first it was cheesy, then it got... well, let's just say I was about ready to turn it off... But I didn't, because I realized that this kind of stuff really does happen. Maybe not always to that extent, but still.

It got me thinking. 
My generation has been raised with technology. As we've grown, so has the stuff... well, the tech has shrunk, but its capabilities have grown tremendously... if these things are happening now, and I know they are, what will life be like for this upcoming generation??
I grew up with a Gameboy, the color version :) a Nintendo 64, and a monster of a desktop computer. Now kids are being raised with wiis, smart phones and ipads. 
Internet, TV, technology in general... they're part of our lives and there's no escaping them.. Because we've grown up with these things, they're the norm. Insignificant everyday stuff. 

That's not true.
Technology is both a power and a handicap.
Power: we have all kinds of info at our fingertips, we can talk to people who live countries and continents away. There is more but... obviously I can't get into it all.
Handicap: with all that knowledge only a click away, books are... wait, what's a book? Powerpoints and slideshows are taking the places of papers. Book reports? Now it's a presentation.
We have to remember to use the technology we have wisely and responsibly.
Have you ever looked closely at a Budweiser commercial??
Always, in itsy bitsy tiny writing they have a note at the bottom saying

Please Drink Responsibly

Always cracks me up :D

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