Sunday, July 10, 2011


Flibbertigibbet: n, a frivolous, flighty, or excessively talkative person
a synonym for gossip
No joke :D

So in Young Women's today our lesson was about being depenable... that one's for you Sis Smith :D
Haha okay, for serious now. 
Being dependable
steadfast and
never taking your eye off the ball.

Sis Smith did a great job teaching this lesson and it made me wonder...
Am I dependable???
Can people count on me??

I sure hope so, I mean, I try my best to be reliable.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say they'll do something
then they're a no show or they call a couple minutes before to flake out..
I really hate that!!
It's one of the things that really frustrates me.
So, I've made it my goal to never be like that..
I think I'm doing a pretty good job...

Now, on to the funny part of my day.

Today was Keilanie's 8th birthday, she's my mom's best friend's daughter.
Our families are tight.
Well, she happens to LOVE our dogs, Kobe and Kooper.
So, we took them with us to her party.
bad idea, let me tell you.
Kooper was whining and whimpering and barking the entire drive.
Kobe on the other hand was very good, just looking out the window.
Yeah, I don't know what Kooper's problem is...
Oh wait, yes I do.
Mom: "This is not normal... then again, he was an only puppy. Maybe he should have been aborted."
Hahaha, maybe you had to be there, but boy it was hilarious!!!!!!
Later that night, as we were walking out the door
Keilanie picked up Kobe for a goodbye hug. Then almost fell over.
Keilanie: "He's like a miniature cow!!!!"
Probably another had to be there moment :)

Today was just an all around great day.

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